Writer, know thyself

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I love a good challenge. So much so, in fact, that I often set new challenges for myself. My favorite challenges are writing ones.

So, when I was contacted by a filmmaker to write a script for a movie he planned to make, I was over the moon.

Only…he wanted a psychological thriller, something I’d never before attempted.

Score! I thought. New genre, new challenge! This will be fun.

Unfortunately, the deal fell through. So there I was. I’d already spent a number of days researching, brainstorming, outlining, and writing. I not only had a story to write, I’d already written the first 15 pages.

I don’t know about everyone else, but I hate not finishing something I start. Makes me feel bleh.

I did the only thing I could do. I kept writing.

Right around page 47, I had to take a break from the script. My schedule had suddenly become too full to squeeze in writing. But I wasn’t worried. I’ve been doing this long enough I can easily resume a project after a few days away.

Only, I never restarted this particular project. And I never will.

You see, that break gave me a chance to notice that my spirits had plummeted to depths I hadn’t visited for years. I had become depressed, moody, irritable, and an all-around un-fun person.

It didn’t take me long to realize the source of the darkness that had crept into my life. The screenplay. Psychological thrillers are, after all, dark stories about villains messing around with the minds of their victims.

And that screenplay had full access to my brain for weeks! Sheesh!

No matter. I’ve already moved out of the darkness, and back to the light.

As for that screenplay, I might turn it into a comedy. Serve the villainous little screenplay right.

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