House dreams

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I’ve had them most of my life.

Dreams in which I go into a house, a seemingly normal house, but once I explored inside I would find hidden depths I never expected.

Early on, I dreamed of dusty rooms hidden in the attic or closet.

Then there were the dreams with dark spaces behind closed doors in the basement that, if explored, led to huge rooms full of beautiful furniture.

Sometimes the hidden rooms would lead to entire wings that were entirely invisible to those who were outside.

Once I even dreamed of finding an opening in my house that lead to a field where there was a circus in full swing, complete with all the acts and an appreciative audience.

Over time, the houses changed, as did the secrets I would find inside.

But one thing always stayed the same. I explored these houses alone.

Last night, I had another house dream. But this time it was an apartment. A normal, small apartment.

Until I decided to have a party. As people showed up, I discovered new rooms I hadn’t known existed. Before I knew it, the apartment had morphed into a mansion of massive proportions.

Quite the cool dream!

Though it does make me wonder, is my brain trying to tell me to socialize more?

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