Governor Inslee

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Arbitrary is as arbitrary does, and Governor Jay Inslee is the most arbitrary man I’ve ever had the displeasure to see give a press conference.

If the rules he dictated for the state made sense, I might not mind so much.

But they don’t.

Instead of data, he uses a fear-based method of making decisions. Some might call it gut instinct, but unfortunately, his instinct is to hide from any hint of danger, save himself at all cost, and drag the entire state into the dark ages if it will make him feel safer.

So he closes churches, shutters businesses, and forces schools to remain closed.

All in the name of safety. His safety.

And whenever he sees a spark of life among the citizenry, he panics and creates a new arbitrary rule to snuff out that spark.

Like the new rule he just instituted that workout centers must maintain 300 square feet per person. Throw out that old, tired, 6 feet apart rule. We now need 300 square feet each to be safe.

Where did that come from?

Obviously, from a fear-troubled tummy. It certainly has the aroma fear. A fear that someone might workout and get healthy.

Can’t have that. Even if it is suggested by the CDC.

Governor Inslee is in charge, by gosh, and everyone’s gonna know it.

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