Pre-Easter Easter get-together

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Scheduling a get-together with my family has become excrutiatingly difficult lately, mainly because 3 of my 4 daughters have jobs that require them to work Saturdays and Sundays.

Not that that makes planning impossible, we just have to be sure to give the girls plenty of time to request the appropriate time off.

Well, Easter is in a week and a half, the first Sunday of April. Every year, our extended family gets together at my mother-in-law’s house. It is one of those times we see family members we haven’t seen for a while.

The girls know–and look forward to–this traditional get-together, so each of them pulled strings, called in favors, and got Easter off.

Sounds good, right?

Well, we got a phone call last night, letting us know that the Easter get-together is off this year, and we are instead getting together THIS Sunday.

Which means that 3 of my 4 daughters will not be able to be there. They are working, and the 4 days notice we were given is not long enough for them to scramble around, pull in favors, beg and plead for the day off.

I have to wonder why no one mentioned to us earlier that a get-together at an earlier date was being considered. I mean, if only someone…

What was that? Was that giggling I just heard?

Jupiterians, is that you?

Why are you giggling so much? What have you done now?

What! You have been blocking all the emails and phone calls from my family for the last few weeks! Why would you do such a thing? Now everything is messed up, and my daughters…

Well I don’t think it is funny. My daughters…

Okay, fine. Maybe you are right. It is a little funny that our communication could be so easily blocked. And yes, now we can have a more intimate get-together at my house.

Yes. We’ll have lots of candy.

Yes, there will be…

Wait a minute! Did you do all this because…

You have got to be kidding. Really, Jupiterians? You could have just asked, you know. I would have saved you a few Cadbury Eggs. You didn’t have to go to all this trouble.

Jupiterians. They love Cadbury Eggs like…like…well, like a monkeys like bananas!

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