Messages to Governor Inslee

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I’ve sent hundreds of messages to Governor Jay Inslee, including this one, which I sent way back in July of 2020.

Governor Inslee,
It’s time for you to stop lying to the people.
We aren’t dummies. We can read the data.
There is no resurgence of deaths, only cases.
In the beginning, businesses and schools were closed to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed.
We succeeded. But that time is over.
Currently only 3.5% of hospital beds in Washington are being used for Covid-19 positive and Covid-19 suspected cases.
The percentage for King County is a mere 2%.
Your claim for a need to keep Washington shut down is based not on facts, but on arbitrary rules that you change on an almost daily basis. It’s ridiculous, and harms every citizen of this state.
Is it your goal to go down in history as The Ridiculous Governor? If it is, you’ve succeeded.
I expect a personally crafted response, not a form letter. It’s time you let the voters, of which I’m one, know that you’re actually listening.

Maybe not the most polite message I could have written, but I’ll admit, by the time I wrote this one I was extremely frustrated by the lack of response. But I kept writing. And writing.

I still haven’t received a response. Not a single one.

Sometimes I was polite, sometimes not so polite. But most of the time, I made sure to request a response.

Which I never got.

Says a lot about the man, doesn’t it?

2022 has begun!

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2020 is practically ancient history.

2021 is dead and gone.

This new year is fresh, new, and bursting with potential. A blank page, waiting for us to fill it with excitement, good times, and adventures of the best kind.
Let’s get to it!
It’s up to us to use the power of positive thinking to make 2022 a fabulous year.

A Trophy!

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I’ve won many things in my life. But never a trophy.

Until now!

So, here it is. My first, ever, trophy. Ta-da!

Beyond Entertainment Trophy - Family Action Feature Screenplay 2021 - 1st Place

I couldn’t be in Florida for the awards ceremony, but was given a link so I could watch it live.

My category came up early in the ceremony. As the nominated screenplays were named, I was surprised to find I had the jitters. Just as I would if I were there in person.

When True Story of the Perfect 36 was revealed as the 1st place winner, I was through the roof with happiness!

Here’s a link to the recorded ceremony.

Thank you, Beyond Entertainment Family Film Festival. I really enjoyed the experience, and love, love, love the trophy!