Together the sisters sneak into the park after hours to search, only to find someone has placed the ring on Rosie the robot. The most surprising thing is that the ring has brought her to life! Even worse, Rosie uses the power of the ring to awaken other robots.
Audrey and Zoe fear a robot apocalypse is imminent.
The sisters race around the park to try to fix the problem, all while avoiding the robots. During this time Audrey admits to Zoe that she has dropped out of school and is having trouble with depression.
Audrey and Zoe eventually figure out how to shut down all the robots except Rosie, who still wears the ring. Audrey and Zoe find Rosie, but the robot fights back and knocks them both out. They awaken to discover that Rosie has gotten stuck in a gate. The sisters remove the ring and the threat of a robot apocalypse is over.

WGA # 1920745