An empathetic young mother moves to a new town. When she finds her neighbor’s house is haunted, she must face an overabundance of feelings to help the woman uncover a hidden treasure.
Drama, Family, Paranormal
ELINORA, widowed mother of two, is in line to pay for a cart full of groceries while AXTON, her 11-year-old son, and JESSMYN, her 7-year-old daughter, are at school.
Without warning, she’s overcome by pain in her belly, followed by extreme nausea. She controls these feelings and continues to check out. Her extreme pallor at first worries the cashier, but he quickly becomes suspicious of Elinora, thinking she’s pretending to be sick to get a cartload of free groceries.
Shortly after a pregnant woman about to give birth is wheeled out of the store, Elinora regains her normal good health. She pays for her groceries and leaves to pick up her kids from school.
As Elinora drives home, she can’t help but slow down to gawk at a huge old house that is a mere half a block from her new house. Strangely, the house elicits a boatload of emotions that nearly overwhelms her.
The owner of the huge old house, WILHELMINA, a woman in her 70s, visits Elinora, Axton, and Jessmyn to welcome them to the neighborhood. The two women become friends, and Elinora finds out the Wilhelmina’s house is rumored to be haunted.
Elinora spends her days looking for a job. But Elinora often senses emotions that belong to someone else. This makes it hard for her to focus on interviewing. Eventually she succeeds and starts a new job.
Time goes by and friendships deepen. Wilhelmina invites Elinora, Axton, and Jessmyn to her house for dinner. While there, the ghosts connect with Elinora, only she doesn’t simply feel their feelings, she seems to become them.
With the help of the ghost of one of Wilhelmina’s ancestors, Elinora uncovers a hidden room in the basement filled with antique furniture, dishes, jewelry, and stock certificates worth millions.
Wilhelmina decides to take her newfound wealth and use it to transform her house, built by one of the founders of the city, into a museum. Something she had always wanted, but never had enough money, to do.
Because Elinora has a connection with the ghosts, Wilhelmina offers her the job of museum curator. The ghosts, excited, jump into Elinora to give their opinions of how the museum should be run. Instead of being overwhelmed, Elinora sets a few rules for the ghosts.
Boundaries set, Elinora takes the job as museum curator.

WGA #2140871