When Santa is poisoned and children mysteriously fall ill, Santa’s wife, a former goddess named Minerva, must dredge up forgotten talents before the world is forever changed.
Christmas, Thriller
Santa’s sleigh zigzags across the night sky, skids to a halt at the North Pole. Santa barely manages to climb out of the sleigh before he collapses. He’s rushed to the elf hospital deathly ill. He’s been poisoned!
Meanwhile, down under, where all the humans live, there’s new tech in town, and everyone wants it.
What’s not to want? The gadget is called Inertia, and it is loved by parents and children alike. Kids love it because it’s similar to a video game and lets them win fantastic prizes. Parents adore it because it encourages their children to behave.
No more bullying, no more temper tantrums, no more stealing, cheating, or lying. Chores get done, as well as homework.
All was well, until children began acting funny. Some even fell into comas.
At the North Pole Minerva, Santa’s wife, spends months finding, then brewing, an antidote to the poison that threatens her husband’s life. Now all that’s needed is time, since it needs to ferment for a few months before it’s ready. She whips the workshop into shape and settles in to wait, until she hears about the tragedy that’s happening to the children down under.
She knows she must go down under to see if she can help. It is what Santa would want.
After she pairs up with an FBI agent, who is also the mother of a comatose child, they pool their resources to search for the culprits. But it is not easy. Whoever is causing the chaos is well hidden and not easy to find. While following a lead Minerva and the agent are ambushed, and the FBI agent is felled by the same poison that struck down Santa.
Minerva is worried, but she’s also more determined than ever. She reaches deep inside to her true nature and unleashes the warrior goddess within. Trusting her instincts she is able to successfully apprehend the miscreants, and with the help of a skillset she hasn’t used since her marriage, she wins the day.

WGA Registration Number: 2069042