When aliens invade earth and subdue all of humanity, it’s up to ghosts to save the day.
Science fiction, fantasy
MILDRED, an aviator who met her demise in the 1920s, and ALFRED, who died in 1900, enjoy hanging around HATTIE and NATHAN, a married couple in their 40s. But that joy is tainted when the couple awakens one night to find Mildred checking on them in their sleep. And even though she means them no harm, their screams are loud enough to wake the dead.
Before anyone can figure out the best way to handle the situation, a bright light pours down on the house, and outlined in an open doorway is an alien.
Not that otherworldly visitors are a new thing. The previous month Hattie and Nathan had been excited to spot a spaceship hovering over their house. And throughout Earth’s history, Earth has had its fair share of otherworldly visitors. Some of those visits resulted in abductions, some animal mutilations, but most were simply strange lights in the sky.
But this time is different. Spaceships are seen all over the world, and humanity is introduced to FRIEND, a strange humanoid that somehow doesn’t seem human and who uses the airways to tell the world that the aliens ‘Come in peace.”
Hattie distrusts the aliens. Nathan, on the other hand, would like nothing more than to socialize with the new neighbors from far off places. At least it would keep his mind off of the fact that his house appears to be haunted.
And then Friend announces that a peace treaty has been signed with all of Earth’s leaders giving the aliens control of Earth. Humanity is ordered to return home and stay in their houses until further orders.
Fighting breaks out all over the world. Media outlets try to counter by blaring messages of peace with the aliens, condemning all who don’t comply. But the fighting intensifies, and several countries send missiles to attack the alien vessels. But all efforts fail, and even more ships arrive to totally surround Earth. Panic hits worldwide and there is chaos in the streets on every continent. Until, that is, the ships bathe the earth in a beam that turns every living creature on earth into a brainless robot.
Mildred and Albert, disturbed to see their livings lose all ability to think, make tin foil hats for Hattie and Nathan that protects them from the rays. And for the first time, the ghosts and the livings truly meet.
Albert meets Joe and Sally, who died in 1945 when the aliens who abducted them became infested by maggot-like creatures. They same maggot-like creatures now intent on taking over Earth.
Hattie and Nathan team up with the ghosts, Mildred, Alfred, Sally, and Joe, to come up with a plan. But before the plan comes together aliens begin the harvest. Albert, frantic, jumps onto a ship and, after some trial-and-error, discovers how to destroy it.
Now, it’s a race. Ghosts must destroy the ships before the aliens harvest the living humans. As the ghosts make headway, ships stop sending down the beam and people wake up. Soon, everyone works together to destroy the creepy, alien parasites. Earth is saved.
Hattie, Nathan, Albert, and Mildred return home. Only now, instead of being afraid of the ghosts, Nathan invites them to breakfast.
WGA #2232225