Category: Life
Aliens vs Ghosts named Quarterfinalist
Aliens vs Ghosts just earned its first accolade!
House dreams
I’ve had them most of my life. Dreams in which I go into a house, a seemingly normal house, but once I explored inside I would find hidden depths I… Read more »
Treasure Trove novel begins
I’m adapting my Treasure Trove screenplay into a novel. Here’s a short example of how that looks. FADE IN:INT. DOCTOR’S OFFICE – DAYAUDREY, 20s, a smart college girl who has… Read more »
Aliens vs Ghosts – 1st scene
In honor of finishing the Aliens vs Ghosts screenplay yesterday, here’s the first scene. ESTABLISHING SHOTPeaceful night in an affluent suburb. Stars shine brightly in a cloudless sky. INT. BEDROOM… Read more »