A child is born

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What a day Father’s Day was!

Jade gave birth to a healthy baby boy, 7 pounds 12 ounces, 20 inches long.

Gazing at the child, I had to wonder what he will grow up to be. There is so much potential in his little self–why, he can be or do anything!

He is not yet a week old, so he is still so unformed, so young, that the color of his hair and eyes are a mystery. And what about his other characteristics? Will he be bookish or sporty, tall or short, husky or slender, bold or shy?

Ultimately, it really doesn’t matter. He is a little bundle of potential just waiting to be loved by his family.

Welcome Connor.

DTA – done!

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I’m happy to say that this morning I finished the Department of Temporal Adjustment (working title)!

It is such a satisfying feeling to complete a book. This book represents 2 years worth of hard work, 2 years of Saturday mornings spent on my computer, and 2 years of fun!

Okay, okay, I’ll admit it. The hard work isn’t really over yet. I now need to let it “brew” for a few months, and then I need to read it from start to finish. Again. I’m sure I’ll make a few changes here and there.

And then the publishing process will begin.

In the meantime, I have two more books fighting to get out of my brain. One is a picture book, and the other is a YA novel.

I wonder if I can work on both at the same time?

My, my, my. Haven’t I got a lot of fun times ahead of me!

Pepper’s favorite food

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It had been many years since I had a dog. As a matter of fact, the last time I had a dog for any length of time was when I was a child.

So did I forget what dogs ate, or are Schnoodles unique?

If Pepper (our Schnoodle) was allowed to eat whatever she wanted her diet would consist of 5 main food groups: the front yard, paper, wood, socks, and plastic.

It is bad enough that she eats our yard, but things inside our house aren’t safe either. Around our house, “my dog ate my homework” isn’t a joke, it is a fact. Anything left on the floor or on a low table is fair game for Pepper. Homework, books, credit cards, sunglasses, pens, pencils…you name it, she has probably consumed it.

I wonder who I should talk to to correct the name of her breed. She isn’t a Schnoodle, she’s a Schnoodloat.

They didn’t really mean to leave out that she was part goat, did they?

Ummmm, or did they?

Lighten up!

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Some days, I walk around and look at the pain and suffering on people’s faces and I feel sorrow.

Not sorrow that the people are feeling the pain, everyone is subjected to suffering at some point in their lives. It is sorrow that 90% of the time it is self-inflicted. There is no reason to suffer.

The problem, of course, is that many, many, many people take themselves entirely too seriously. They stress about the little things, agonize over trivialities, focus on the tiniest flaws in their lives.

They spend so much energy and focus on miniscule mistakes that they miss all the good stuff. They have no room left in their lives for the things that really count, like butterflies, sunshine, puppies, and the laughter of children.

Lighten up people. Step back from your problems and take in a broader picture. You’ll find that there is a whole world out there waiting for you to enjoy.

And yes, I too am sometimes guilty of taking myself too seriously. I have to remind myself to lighten up.

I have to laugh at myself. Or you.

Favorite compliment of all time

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Do you want to know my favorite compliment I have ever received?

It was when I was 17 years old, and it was given to me by a 17 year old boy who was madly in love with my best friend.

One day we were talking about the wonderfulness of my best friend and determining strategies he could use to get my friend to notice him. For a reason I couldn’t understand, since there wasn’t a natural break in the conversation, the boy became suddenly quiet. After silently looking at me for a several minutes he said, “You know, you are no raving beauty, but you are kind of pretty.”

As a 17 year old girl I was devastated. I desperately wanted to be a raving beauty, and I was insulted and hurt that I had to settle for being “kind of pretty”.

It was only years later that I realized the true intent of the compliment. He was not really commenting on my physical self, he just didn’t know how to express what he meant.

By saying I was “kind of pretty” he was trying to tell me he valued my friendship. He appreciated the hours I had spent listening to him blather on about the glories of my best friend.

After all, it isn’t every teenage girl who has the patience to listen to a litany of another girl’s wonderful attributes. Again and again and again.

It isn’t exactly a self-esteem builder.

So, after years of being bothered by the compliment, I’m happy to be able to say that I have figured it out. He was complimenting my good nature.

At least, that is what I’ve decided he meant. And I’m sticking to it.

Happy Anniversary Darling

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To my darling husband,

I want to thank you for these past 24 years of marriage. I don’t believe there exists another person on earth that I would rather have spent it with.

You are not only my husband, but you are my best friend. You put up with me when I’m cranky, console me when I’m sad, and give the best pep talks when I lose focus on my goals.

I sincerely hope I am as good to you as you are to me, and that the next 24 years will prove to be even better than the first.

I can’t wait until next year! Silver Anniversary here we come!

By the way, I also thank you for taking me to see the new Star Trek movie yesterday. I loved it, and I love sharing great experiences with you.

Which came first?

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Sometimes, it is very difficult to separate fact from fiction.

There is a part in my new book where the main character gets trapped in a room. No matter how hard she tries, she just cannot open the door to leave the room.

I was writing that segment the week before last. I finished, put away my stuff, and went to the door to open it.

It was thoroughly stuck. The knob would not turn. No matter how hard I tried, I could not get the door to open.

Lucky for me my husband heard my calls and succeeded in releasing me from my prison. Good thing too, since I’m a tad claustrophobic, and the only other way out of the room is through the window, the room is on the second floor, and I also have a fear of heights.

This week as I wrote, my character was again dealing with doors, and was very pleased that she was able to go through doors that were partially open. So she was careful to not fully close the door of whatever room she was in.

I looked over at the door of the room where I do my writing, and had to chuckle. I had not closed the door all the way, fearing that it would become stuck again.

So which way is it…is fiction grounded in fact, or do our real lives somehow mirror fiction?

It makes you think, doesn’t it?

Mother’s Day at Queen Mary’s

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I loved Mother’s Day! I got to spend fun, relaxing time with my children…and they took me the Queen Mary’s Tea Shop!

I had heard of Queen Mary’s for years. It was one of those places that I had always wanted to visit, but had never taken the time.

I am so glad that my daughters thought about it, and took it upon themselves to make a reservation.

We were fortunate enough to choose the perfect time for our tea time. Since we were the last group seated most of the other customers had cleared out before we had even placed our order. It felt almost like we had the entire place to ourselves.

The food was delicious, the tea was perfect, and the waitress was chatty without being intrusive.

Loved it!

Creative Process

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I just love the creative process!

Day one: Overhear something on the news that sparks my interest. Would love to write about it, but it doesn’t fit my style. Decide to forget about it.

Day two: Idea won’t leave me alone. Decide to work up a plot anyway. Frantically write down as many ideas as possible, but I’m frustrated that things just don’t gel. Decide again to forget about it.

Day three: Spring awake in the morning with the plot fully worked out. It seems that my brain didn’t want to accept defeat and so kept working on it all night while I slept!

Only problem, now I have the plots for five , maybe six, books I want to write! I’d better hurry and finish the one I’m currently working on.

Graduations galore!

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It’s great being part of a large extended family, until the kids start growing up and graduating. It is wonderful to be a part of their accomplishments–but boy, it can be extremely time consuming! And tiring.

Of course, some years are better than others.

This year, we will be celebrating three college and two high school graduations.

Wait, does that mean this is a better year, or not? Five graduations is an awful lot of celebrating!