Have you seen it?

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It is fantastic, wonderful even!

It is not so much that I was included in the article from the ISchool–although that really makes me happy–but look at who else is in the article. What great names I get to share the page with. (I am too excited to think, so that sentence will remain clunky.)

Again, I have to say it! I’m ecstatic!

What? Oh, I guess I should give you the link.

Go take a look!

Tears of writing

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This is the very reason I will never, never write a horror story. When I write, I live whatever I am writing. It plays out like a movie in my head, only it is much more real than the typical movie playing in a person’s head.

Today’s writing included the saddest thing I have ever written. Maybe it affected me so much because I rarely write sad scenes, but I had a flash flood of tears that made it necessary for me to top long enough to go get a tissue.
Whew! I am glad that is over. Or at least, over for today. I am nearing the end of the book. I will need to revisit that scene again when I do the next set of rewrites.
Next time, I’ll have tissue ready. Or maybe an entire pillow, just in case it hits me the wrong (or right) way and I really start to sob.

Halloween on my street

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I live on darkest, spookiest, scariest street in the neighborhood, perfect for Halloween–unless you actually enjoy seeing cute little kiddies in their costumes begging for candy.

None of my neighbors decorate very much, most keep Halloween decorations to a bare minimum. As a matter of fact, after 10 years of being the only house on the block to decorate, this year I caved in to peer pressure (aka got lazy) and put out a single lit pumpkin. Just like everybody else.

And so I made my street the perfect Halloween location. Dark, gloomy, and spooky. No orange lights flickering on the doorsteps. No cutouts of witches in windows. No tiny tissue ghosts hanging from tree branches. No creepy music punctuating the air with ghoulish howls and ghostly wails. And most importantly, no trick or treaters.

What am I supposed to do with the punch bowl full of candy I have by the door?

I wonder if Jupiterians like candy.

Dear Diary

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Dear Diary,

I know it should not bother me, but it does.
I know I should not care, but I do.
I know I should forget, but I can’t.

Always, always, I try to be supportive to those around me, especially family members. So when they let me down, it bothers me, I care, and I cannot forget.

I remember meeting an author when I only had my first book out. I was ecstatic when she told me that her mother was so proud of her efforts as an author that the mother had immediately bought 20 of her books and passed them out to all her friends.

In my family, it is quite different. Not only do I need to buy the books for my family members, but only half of them took the time to read them.

I truly appreciate that my husband, four daughters, sister, and niece trusted me enough to read my books. I love them all the more for the support they give me.

I poured my heart into each of the books. I spent hours upon hours agonizing over every sentence, crafting each book to tell the story I want to tell. These 4 books represent 7 years of hard–but extremely satisfying–work.

Each book contains a substantial chunk of me. So if the books are set aside unread, not important enough for the reader to take the time to crack open the cover, then I am the one left forgotten on the dusty shelf. I am the book, and the book is me. We are too intertwined to be separated.

So I know it should not bother me, but it does.
I know I should not care, but I do.
I know I should forget, but I can’t.

Added November 1st:
(Note to reader) Reader? What! You are reading a private diary? How could you?
Don’t worry, I’m only kidding. Even I could not be foolish enough to write a diary on the Web and expect it to be private.

That said, I think I need to clarify a little. So there is no confusion, I should mention that my complaint about family does not apply to everyone. For example, my sister and her daughter not only purchased and read my books, but they talked about them to other people! You can’t get any better than that.

And of course, my husband and daughters have read everything.

That’s all for now!

Pet parents!

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Okay people, it is time for me to clear the air. I cannot hold my peace any longer, especially after the dream I had last night. I shiver when I think of it. It was, well, not so much a dream as a nightmare.

There was danger, there was tension, and there was Pepper, my dog, in a diaper.

It seems that for the purposes of the dream, Pepper was not my pet, but my baby.

I have no doubt why the nightmare tortured my sleep. Every time I turn on the television I am bombarded with pet food commercials aimed at “pet parents”.

I am a pet owner, not a pet parent. I may have 4 wonderful children, but not a one of them is a dog, has a beard, or a hairy chest. (Thank goodness!)

I wish the pet food companies would get it through their heads that dogs have puppies and people have children.


Hitchhiking Jupiterians?

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Oh dear! I really do not know what I should do.

You see, a foreign rights agent requested copies of my books back in July, so my publisher sent out copies of Braumaru, Cerulea, Viridia, and DTA. But the books seem to have never arrived.

You probably think my publisher should just send out more copies.  That could happen, but that is not the problem.

You see, I just realized that I have not seen hide nor hair of the Jupiterians since July. Right about the time the books shipped to China.

It’s just a saying! I know that the Jupiterians are invisible, so no one can see them. That is what makes them so dangerous. That, and their insatiable desire to play jokes.

Did the Jupiterians hitch a ride? Are they at this minute plotting and planning and preparing to play joke after joke on some unsuspecting Chinese citizen? Am I responsible for unleashing the Jupiterians on China?

As I said, oh dear!


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02 – 06 – 15 – 26 – 34 – 44

I looked at the little piece of paper in my hand and gulped. I couldn’t believe it…finally, finally I had picked the right numbers. They matched, the really matched, and I had won! I won the lottery!

I spent the next few minutes divying up the cash in my mind. First there were taxes, then family to help, bills to pay, college tuition for my children, charities in need…so many places for the money to go. Thank goodness there was so much money to go around.

I headed for the door and reached for the knob. The sooner I claimed my prize the better. How horrible it would be if this winning ticket–this lovely, irreplacable, life-changing ticket–was accidently destroyed.

But as I reached the door a strange sound froze me in my tracks. The room began to whirl, and with horror I recognized that annoying sound.

My alarm clock. It was time to wake up.

Killed by Clean

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Each breath was like a knife to my lungs. I was dizzy and tired because of the lack of oxygen. My brain barely functioned, and I had to force my limbs to fight against the lethargy that threatened to make me curl up in a ball and drift off to sleep.

And it was all my fault. When it comes to knowing what my body can and cannot take, I tend to be optimistic. I always think that maybe I am no longer allergic to this or that, maybe that particular reaction has gone away, maybe the last time was all my imagination.

But yesterday, with the mopping of the floor, my reaction to strong smells came back clearly. I am smart enough to move far away from those who wear perfume, but somehow I had forgotten my reaction to cleaning products.

I’ll tell you one thing, if I don’t stop being such an optimistic idiot I might as well pick out my tombstone right now. Something short and to the point, starting with “Here she lies” and then continuing with one of the following:

Killed by Clean
Defeated by Dirtlessness
Asphyxiated by Antiseptic
Hurt by Hygiene
Pulverized by Polish
Laid Low by Luster
Smothered by Smell

Air, air–I need air!

Dangerous dream

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My creative juices must have once again begun to flow, because all of a sudden I am having extremely vivid dreams that stick with me long after I awake. Dreams the likes of which I have not had since I was in the midst of writing the Behold the Eye trilogy.

I don’t mind the good dreams, but some of them, well, I would prefer to let them fade away with the morning light. They are just too disturbing.

Take last night’s dream. I was in my car with three of my four daughters (which three is fuzzy). I was driving across a bridge, only, it was like no bridge I have ever seen. I got halfway across when it suddenly dipped down at an angle that any roller coaster would envy.

I struggled to slow the car, but it was no use, we were out of control. Terror became the overwhelming feeling as I realized that a part of the bridge was washed out and we were careening uncontrollably toward water. There was absolutely nothing I could do about it.

We hit the water and fear quickly became panic. I struggled to catch my breath as claustrophobia kicked in. How could we get out? Were we going to die, trapped under pounds and pounds of suffocating water?

That was when I noticed that one of my daughters had managed to open a door and was exiting. Hope vanquished the claustrophobia, and I was able to take a deep breath before following my daughter, expecting my other two daughters to do the same.

I swam to the surface and climbed up onto the bridge, struggling all the while to catch my breath. Relief that we had escaped helped to calm the intense shivering that had overtaken my body, but that relief was short-lived when I looked around and discovered the terrible truth that only one daughter was by my side.

Again I panicked. I jumped into the water and dived down as deep as I could, but I could not reach the car. It had sunk too far. I was too weak.

Waiting for help to arrive was torture. There was nothing, absolutely nothing I could do except pray that some miracle would occur and my children would find their way out of the sunken car to the surface. The despair I felt drained every ounce of energy from my body, and all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and hide away from the world.

Finally, after what seemed like days, a tow truck arrived that was able to reach down into the depths of the lake and pull out my car.  By this time my heart was so broken into bits that I did not know how I could still be alive.

Tears poured down my face as I waited for the police to open the door to the car. I had lost two of my daughters, life would never be the same again.

Only, I had not lost two of my daughters. When the door was opened, it was discovered that a miracle had happened and air pocket of sufficient size had been trapped in the car. My unconscious daughters were alive and well. After they were checked out it was discovered that they both only had a few bumps and bruises. They were perfectly fine.

The dream might have turned out well, but it was still rather disturbing. The emotions I felt were deep and broad and felt very, very real.

I have to wonder if there is a message in it for me.

Maybe that I should be more careful of what I eat right before bedtime.


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Throughout my life my dreams have helped me solve problems.

In high school, I remember several instances when I struggled with a math problem for hours. I would sit on my bed, handy-dandy pencil in hand, writing and rewriting, figuring and re-figuring, struggling to understand what mistake I was making that kept the solution out of my reach. Frustrated and tired, I would finally give up and go to bed, disgusted with my failure.

I guess my brain did not like failing, because it would continue to struggle with the problem while my tired body got much needed rest. Invariably, I would awake in the morning able to easily complete the math problem.

The same would happen with sports. I was a gymnast, and I remember often falling to sleep with the routines playing and replaying in my head. The next day, after a full night of dream-practice, moves that had been difficult would become miraculously easy.

But the other night, the oddest thing happened. I awoke in the middle of the night, sat up in bed, and started mumbling to myself. I knew, I just knew, that it was vitally important that I spell the word symmetrical. Only, in my groggy state, I did not know how.

“Cen…no that’s not right, that’s how central is spelled,” I said shaking my head, “it must be sen. Yes, that’s it–s-e-n-i-t-r-i-c-a-l.”

I lay back down, but the word floating in my head looked funny. “I must still have it wrong. I need to get it right, but I think the beginning is all wrong, it starts with a C. Cim. Yeah. Cimitrical. Good, now I can go back to sleep.”

Closing my eyes, the letters c-i-m-i-t-r-i-c-a-l floated across my mind’s landscape, disrupting any possibility of a relaxing dream. It floated across fields and through cities, and even followed me up in a hot air balloon. It would not go away. It tortured me with its wrongness.

“Okay, okay, so I’ve got it wrong. How about Sim, that’s about all that is left. S-i-m-i-t-r-i-c-a-l. Now I don’t want to think about it anymore, I just want to sleep. Go away word!”

After telling the word to go away, I drifted back off to sleep.

Only, I guess the word did not really go away, because my first thought when I awoke in the morning were the letters S-y-m-m-e-t-r-i-c-a-l. Symmetrical.

I still don’t know why that particular word, or why it was so important to spell at 3 in the morning.