February 3rd – National Cloud Day

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As I look outside on this dark and gloomy day, I have to ask myself, why is it always rainy and gloomy on February 3rd? Throughout my entire life I can remember very few sunny February 3rds. And I do pay attention, since it is my birthday.

I remember last year. Here in Seattle we had an entire week of gloriously sunny days, one day of rain, followed by another week of warm and wonderful sun. The one rainy day? February 3rd, of course.

Now, please don’t think that I am a gloomy person just because my birthday tends to be gloomy. I am not. No indeed! I love to laugh, and I enjoy life.

Really, February 3rd is cloudy so often I hereby proclaim it National Cloud Day.

Wait! What is that I see out my window? Is it, could it be…

It is! I can barely believe it! There, peeping out from the heavy clouds, is blue sky! A virus of fluffy white clouds has infiltrated the dark gray field of storm clouds. The good thing about those cotton ball clouds is their propensity to bunch up to let the blue show through. Fantastic!

Spread, little white clouds, spread. Take over the sky!

Now, if I could just convince that shy sun to make an appearance, I would have a most unique birthday!


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Having a routine can be comforting. It can create a structure that clears away the debris–you know, all those pesky moments when your brain power is consumed by the necessity of making decisons–so that you have a clear field to do what you really want to do.

I have a wonderful routine that helps me write. I wake up, go straight upstairs to my computer, and dive right in. I don’t eat, I don’t talk to anyone, I just write. After about 30 minutes or so of writing I am so into the story that it is safe for me to run downstairs and grab a bite to eat and a cup of coffee.

The problem with a routine such as this is that any little thing can throw it off. If anyone talks to me before I have those first 30 minutes in, I’m lost.

Which is why I am writing this blog instead of working on my book. I conversed this morning. The routine is worthless for the day.

Note to self: I need to create a secondary routine, one that can be used on days the primary routine will not work. I must discover a way to dive into writing even after human interaction.

The only alternative is to become a hermit and live in a cave, which I don’t think I would enjoy because I detest dank, dark places where a rock-slide might trap me forever.

And, to be perfectly honest, I like talking to people. I would go crazy all alone with only moss as company. And a few bats.

Step into writing

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I joined a writer’s group on LinkedIn the other day. One of the first questions I received in my email was about how to keep writing when you really don’t feel like writing. It seems the questioner had a short story he was trying to turn into a full blown novel, but he just wasn’t getting anywhere. He has been working on it for a couple of years but just keeps erasing it all and starting over.

Eeek! The horror of that might give me nightmares for life! Erasing it all and starting over is one of the worst things a writer could ever do. It is akin to a baker putting the flour and sugar into a bowl, then deciding to toss it in the trash because he wants a chocolate cake rather that a vanilla one. What a waste!

When I first began to write novels I too was unsure how to begin–and how to progress. I read every book about writing I could get my hands on and became even more confused. Each person who wrote about writing seemed to have a different process, a unique method that took her from idea to finished product.

And so began the long tedious trial-and-error period, a period I hope never to see again. I did my share of polishing each individual word as I wrote, writing chapters as individual stories so I could shuffle them around, writing whatever came to my head, and so on. I used index cards, a bulletin board, and multiple computer programs that are designed to help the author maintain the structure of the story.

It was a struggle. I was like a blindfolded driver with a sick child that needed to get to the store as quickly as possible to buy medicine so that I could lower my child’s fever before the excessive heat of the fever could cause permanent damage to my child. I felt I needed to rush, but I had no clue, absolutely no clue, where to go or how to get there.

I perservered and finally uncovered my own method. Here goes:

MS Word is my tool of choice, not any of those fancy writing programs.
Step 1 – Create a vague outline that runs to full length of the book. Result is usually 1 page long.
Step 2 –  Flesh out outlilne, creating chapters. Make sure there is a logical beginning, middle, and end.
Step 3 – Start with 1st chapter. Write a few paragraphs about what will happen in chapter. Go to next chapter.
Step 4 – Continue building chapters. As each chapter is finished, it will not be revisited until the next stage unless a change is made in the story that makes it absolutely necessary. (Change of character, etc.)
Step 5 -Finish last chapter and quickly look over the entire thing, making sure it makes sense. All chapters now have a couple of paragraphs of explanation, and the result is 5 – 10 pages long.
Step 6 -Time to begin really writing. Start with first chapter. Read the couple of paragraphs of explanation, and make it into a story. I let the movie in my head play, and write down what I see. Do not get up until the first chapter is done.
Step 7 – Each day of writing equals a chapter. I complete the chapter, highlight where I left off, and start the next writing session at the highlighted area. I do not revisit writing I have already done because I need to keep moving forward. Can only go back to change a detail like a name, date, time, etc.
Step 8 – Worked all the way through and have completed last chapter. Set aside for a few days to give brain a rest.
Step 9 – Begin again at the beginning. Always attempt to complete a full chapter in each setting. Focus on details and flow. Refine dialogue. I again see the movie in my head…I write the movie in my head.
Step 10 – Plug through. Persistence is the key. The book will never be finished if it is not worked on.
Step 11 – This round done. Set aside for at least a week.
Step 12 – Read all the way through. Set aside.
Step 13 – Begin the entire process again with chapter 1.
Step 14 – Rewrite, rewrite, rewrite. Remember to keep moving forward.
Step 15 – Done! Read, check again for flow and mistakes. Get feedback from someone. Begin the rewriting process again if necessary.
Step 16 – Enough already. I am now thoroughly sick of this book and ready to move on to the next.

The length of time this process takes varies by book, as does the number of rewrites. Braumaru took 2 years (extra time needed to work out the process). Cerulea and Viridia each took 1 year. DTA (Department of Temporal Adjustment) took nearly 3 years. Gray Zone has taken about 1 year so far. I do my work primarily on Saturday mornings and holidays, since I either have a full time job or am pursuing one.

Just an FYI–this works for me. But if it sounds overwhelming, just remember to keep moving forward. Always forward!

Life is a ride on a ferris wheel…

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…and I am currently slap dab at the bottom of the circle. Really, I don’t know how many more things can go wrong.

Almost every aspect of my life is currently low. Everywhere I look everyone is sick; I was just told yesterday that my contract job that was scheduled to end June 30 will instead end January 21; money…well, we won’t talk of money; social time with friends is nonexistent; I received an email today from a reveiwer who told me she “just could not get into” my book; and much, much more.

Don’t get me wrong, I know I have a good life and that many people have it much harder. There are people out there that have horrible things happen to them, and I am thankful that I am not in their position.

It is just that even though one at a time each of the items are just little irritations, they unfortunately didn’t come one at a time. They ganged up on me. They feel huge and overwhelming.

But I will take heart. I have been at the bottom of this old ferris wheel before. I may not be able to see it from this vantage point, but I am sure there are good times ahead.

The best thing about being at the bottom is that there is no way to go but up.

I know, I know, the descent has been scary and painful. But once the nadir is reached I only have the ascent to look forward to.

Up. Up. Up.

Bonbons or books?

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Lest you think I’ve neglected my writing–imagining me sitting around on the couch eating bonbons–I’ll let you in on a little secret.

I’ve got 6, count ’em 6, picture books baking in the oven. (Figuratively, not literally. The paper would dry out and begin to burn if I really put the books in the oven. Burned books are not very pleasant to read.)

The upcoming books are (working titles all):
Monkeys on an Island – about monkeys, on an island
Library Cafe – about a couple who retire and buy an old library to turn into a bakery
Tea Party – four girls move into a new neighborhood and have trouble making new friends
Connor’s Pockets – it is easy to see what a little boy did during the day as he empties his pockets
Victorious Victor – a little boy has a problem with a monster under his bed
Pepper Curious – A curious schnoodle is on the trail of treasure

I am waiting for the illustrators to finish their work, which means that it is out of my control when the finished product will be available. It is hard to rush artists.

Except for one, Pepper Curious, which I will be illustrating with modified pictures.

Also, Gray Zone (my novel about cyberbullying that formerly had the working title Fair Game) is in the final stages of writing. It should be complete in just a few months, and then move on to the publishing process.

So there! I haven’t eaten a single bonbon, and I very much prefer a chair to my couch. Let that be a lesson to you.

Happy 2011

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A new year has begun!

It is time for us to put aside everything from 2010 and start anew–fresh. Gone are all of last year’s worries, trials, and heartaches. The new year has begun! The new year has begun!

What? Oh, hello Jupiterians, I didn’t see you there. Happy New Year!

No, of course I did not mean that I have no bills I need to pay.

Yes, I still need to work.

No, all the hungry of the world have not been miraculously fed and the homeless given shelter.

Wait, wait wait! Stop all the questions! I understand how confusing this all is to you, but please don’t overthink it. When I say we are leaving last years worries behind I mean…I mean…I mean figuratively.

No, I can’t explain it any better than that. I just want to send out a hope for everyone I know, from the bottom of my heart, that 2011 will be a great year. A year where wishes come true, worries are minimized, and dreams are realized.

What? Of course I don’t mean I want nightmares to come true! Only the good dreams. Besides, those are not the kind of dreams I mean.

What is that you said? Why is the bottom of my heart better than the top for sending out good wishes?

Sigh. How will I ever be able to explain the expression “from the bottom of my heart” to the Jupiterians? Maybe I won’t even try. Instead, I just wish you all a

Happy New Year!

Write a book in ____ days!

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I see the ads all the time. Buy this software, and you will be able to write a full novel in 90 days, 60 days, even 30 days!

I say, what’s the point? WHY would I want to write a novel in 30, 60, or even 90 days?

I LOVE WRITING! I adore sitting down in front of my computer, clearing my mind of all my cares and woes, and immersing myself in a story of my own making. It is the one place in my life where I have total control. And by total, I do mean total.

Need a little cheer–I simply add some humor to whatever I am writing.

Feeling nostalgic–those memories will really bring the page to life.

But best of all, if a character starts to develop that I don’t like, it doesn’t bother me in the least. With my handy-dandy delete button I can banish that irritating character from my life forever. Gone! Never to be seen again!

Now, where in life do I have that kind of power?

So I repeat, why would I ever, ever, want to rush the writing process! Be gone, you irritating Write a book in 30 day ads!


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I noticed it a few years ago. My children, and their friends, would say things like, “I had boughten the coat last week.”

Boughten. Used as the past tense of bought, which was already the past tense of buy.

I tried to correct my children but it didn’t stick. They kept using the word over, and over, and over again.

Then, just the other day, a woman my age told me that I should go to a particular store because it was there that she “had boughten a wonderful gift” for one of her friends.

I sincerely hope the shock did not show on my face. I had assumed that the use of boughten was a kid thing, a way to differentiate them from the dull grown-up world.

I finished my conversation, and then rushed home to do a little research. Could boughten be a word? Could I have been wrong all these years.

With a pounding heart I turned my computer on and went to dictionary.com. With trembling fingers I typed in the letters that had offended me for so many years, b-o-u-g-h-t-e-n. Closing my eyes I hit the enter key, hoping and praying that I would see the words “no dictionary results” when I reopened them.

No such luck. I gulped, forseeing apologies to my children and years of being reminded of my mistake. My credibility was shot.

Or so I thought, until I took a look at the definitions listed.

I smiled. My credibility was safe. Even though the word was real, it was being used incorrectly. It was an adjective, not a verb. It most certainly was not the past tense of bought, or buy, or will go shopping.

Of course, I may not be safe for long. Languages are always evolving.

I guess I should have googled it sooner and facebooked the results to all my friends.

Nearing the end

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I am so excited! I only have 2 more chapters to go, and I’ll have Fair Game finished.

Only…well..I won’t be calling it Fair Game.

It was only a working title anyway, but it does bug me a little that just 2 days ago I saw a movie advertised with my working title. Any chance I had of keeping the working title went right out the door.

So now I have to come up with another title.

But at least I am almost done! I am sooooooo excited!

The good deal

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I just paid $5.00 for a single sheet of paper with 3 paragraphs of writing. Not good writing, mind you. The grammar was bad and spelling atrocious, but it was writing.

I nearly didn’t. I almost walked by, allowing a busy schedule to override my responsibility to help others.

Luckily, I turned back and talked to the woman who was standing on the corner outside Wholefoods, holding a loose stack of white paper. She told me she had written these poems to sell.

As an author, how could I refuse her? I understand how difficult it can be to put your thoughts and feelings down on paper, hoping for acceptance. So I did the only thing I could, I emptied out my pockets and gave her all I had with me.

Which is how I came to buy a single sheet of paper with 3 paragraphs of writing for $5.00.

It is just possible that I helped a fellow writer. It was a very good deal.