Just for you

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Happy birthday, my darling husband!
I hope you have fun today. We love you, and want to make the day special, just for you.
I know the sky outside is pure gray and the constant drizzle could be discouraging, but never fear. I’m sure it will stop raining before our scheduled Shakespeare in the park birthday picnic later today. The weather forecast predicts a clear sky in the afternoon. I’m sure the meteorologists will be right, they always are. So we won’t need any umbrellas, and don’t worry, we won’t mind sitting on the damp ground for a few hours. Just for you.

None of us were worried in the least that every time we asked you for your wish list your reply was “music”.  Or that when we asked you to be more specific, you would only say, “I just want music, any kind of music, just music.” We understand, you were trying to make shopping easier, so none of us would stress too much as we frantically searched for just the right present, just for you.

And those shopping trips you took this last week, the trips to the bookstore and the hardware store where you bought yourself books and tools, two items you must know are the only things we have ever been able to get you that you really like, we understand. It wasn’t that you wanted to make shopping for a present harder, oh no. It was just that you needed those things, you really did, and it would have required a superhuman effort on your part to wait to see if anyone wanted to give any of the items to you as a gift. From one of us, just for you.

But in all honesty, it guess it really doesn’t matter how hard you are to shop for, since what really matters is that we love you very, very much. It may look like a book or a cd or a hammer inside that box, but don’t let looks deceive you. What we really wrapped up in bows and ribbons is our love.

From us, just for you.

(Note: My husband decided that it was just too wet for Shakespeare in the Park, so there was no need to sit on the soggy ground in a drizzle after all. He is a good man, my husband.)

To dream of writing

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So what does it mean if you dream you are writing?

Because that is what happened to me. I woke up this morning with the memory of a long and productive writing session. I even had that wonderful feeling I get when I’ve done some good writing.

Too bad I have no recollection of what I wrote, or anything down on paper. Well, maybe not paper since I rarely write on paper. I must mean that I don’t have anything saved as a file on my computer.

As I look over what I’ve written here, I’m not 100% sure I’m awake yet.
I just had a thought! I wonder if I could train myself to sleep-write. I used to sleep-walk and sleep-talk all the time. It is the logical next step, don’t you think?

A new beginning for GZ

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A short time ago I wrote a new first chapter for Gray Zone, the young adult novel I hope to have published soon. Here it is:

Who knew a few words on a screen could cause so much trouble?
Sure, there were a few nice comments thrown in here and there. Ones like “Pretty but shy,” and “Cute, but too quiet for my taste.”
Those I did not mind so much. The ones that got me said things like, “I’ve never heard this girl talk. I don’t think she knows how,” and “If I looked like her I’d keep my mouth shut too. Or better yet, I’d go live in a cave with the rest of my bat family.”
But the worst ones, the worst ones were downright threatening. They said things like, “What a dog! She’d better be quiet or I’ll kick her until she stops her yapping,” and “I like the quiet ones, they don’t scream.”
It was comments like the last one that convinced my parents that I needed to change schools, and once they made their decision nothing I said or did could shake it. I tried every weapon in my arsenal, I pleaded, yelled, whined, and debated. But deep in my heart I knew I didn’t stand a chance since the police had not been able to trace the most threatening messages back to their sources.
“Isn’t there anything you can do?” Sophie Rose had asked. “We had our whole high school career planned out! If you go to another school, all our plans will be ruined.”
“I know, but there’s nothing I can do. My parents have decided and that’s that.”
“Did you try everything? I mean really try?”
“Oh, I tried all right. But they won’t budge.”
“Where are you going to go?”
“What about the rest of this year? We still have two weeks left.”
“I’m having my finals early. I’ve already cleaned out my locker. I won’t be back to Nathan Hale at all. My mom and dad think it might be too dangerous.”
“Dangerous? It was a website. Just a silly website!”
“Sophie, my picture, name, address, and phone number were posted! Before I even knew the website existed I had gotten a zillion calls and had to change my number.”
“So, problem solved.”
“Not really. The police suggested that I move schools since too much information was posted about me on the Internet. They said anyone might know all about me now. It really scared my parents.”
“Isn’t that overkill. After all, I had heard that they had posted the picture of every girl in our school on the site? Including me, and you don’t see me moving to a different school!”
“Did you ever see the site?”
“No. My parents block pretty much everything at my house.”
“Well, pictures of all the girls may have been there, but that was it. All the personal information, the stuff that freaked my parents, that stuff was only added to the girls who made the Top Ten lists.”
“What kind of list?”
“I made the Top Ten Fly but Shy List. So someone went in and added my name, address, phone number, and class schedule.”
“So, are the other nine girls on the list changing schools too?”
“Maybe. And there another list of girls too, the Top Ten Cool Cutie List.”
“Really! You’ve got to be kidding!”
“Well, to be perfectly honest I don’t know what any of the other girls are doing, I just know I’m transferring. The police think it’s nothing to mess around with. Every girl on both the Top Ten Lists had threatening comments. Until they find out who posted them…”
“I know, I know. Better safe than sorry.”
“Right. So a bunch of us will probably not be at school the last two weeks, and who knows how many transferring.”
“I still say you shouldn’t be punished for something someone else did. You didn’t do anything wrong!”
“I know. But it is out of my hands. My parents say it is for my own protection.”
“Some protection. When you start a new school you won’t have any of your old friends around. Your friends are your real protection. At Roosevelt you’ll be all alone.”
“I know.”
“Autumn, why don’t you tell your parents that you’ll—”
“Stop it Sophie. It’s done. I’m transferring and that’s that. My parents—”
“Your parents! Your parents are way too overprotective! It was just a stupid website! Nobody took it seriously.”
“My parents did. And so did the principal. And the police. If they ever find out who wrote those comments—”
“Can’t they all just be satisfied with suspending the boys who put up the site? I mean, they figured out who they were and punished them. Isn’t that enough?”
“No, not with those comments. They still don’t know who made those comments.”
“I wonder what made them do it.”
“Post the comments?”
“No, most of those comments were probably made by people trying to be funny. I meant why put up the website in the first place? What was the purpose?”
“I can tell you what my parents were told.”
“Which is?”
“That the boys got into an argument about whether quiet or talkative girls made better dates. The group was split half and half, so they decided to get input from a broader audience.”
“So they built the website.”
“Yes, and then sent the link to every boy they knew in school.”
“Right. To all the boys.”
“So that makes it harder to figure out which boy posted which comment.”
“I see. Still Autumn, I think everyone is worrying too much. It was just a stupid website with stupid people posting to it. No one meant anything by it!”
“You’re probably right Sophie, but that doesn’t change anything. Next year I’ll be at Roosevelt and you and all my old friends will be here. So I might as well make the best of it.”
“Best of it? What do you mean?”
“If I’m going to start over, I’m going to do it right! Just watch me, at Roosevelt, no one will ever think of me as the quiet girl!”
“No Sophie, just listen. This is my chance to change how people think of me.”
“But Autumn—”
“I can do it, all I have to do is prepare myself ahead of time. I have all summer.”
“But what about the lake house? Aren’t you coming with us this summer?”
“I’m counting on it! And so are my parents, we talked it over and they think that the lake house will be the safest place for me this summer. And while we’re there, you can help me practice being outgoing. Help me come up with things to say when I first meet people, that kind of thing.”
“Autumn I think I should tell you—”
“Don’t try to talk me out of it. I’ve made up my mind. Next year, I’m coming out of my shell. I’ll talk to everyone and make loads of friends. This new start is just what I need. Just wait and see.”
For a minute, Sophie just sat there looking at me. Then she reached over and gave me a big hug.
“You’re going to be the most popular girl in school,” my best friend said with a smile.

Is it a squirrel?

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I just got back from taking Pepper for a walk, and as soon as I walked in the door I realized that either someone is working out in the exercise room or there is a 100 lb squirrel in the attic.

Maybe I should go check. I’ve always wondered what a 100 lb squirrel would look like!

Oh, by the way, I hope you all have a happy and enjoyable 4th!

Plotting a plot

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I sat down at my computer this morning with one goal, and one goal only. I was bound and determined to work out the plot for my next book.

I know you can’t see me, but if you could you might wonder why I’m waving my arms in the air as I shout for joy. Well, let me tell you…

Oh. You’ve already guessed. In that case, you can share in the joy I feel. I am so happy that I reached my goal!

I have a plot! A wonderful, twisting, sure-to-keep-you-reading plot!

Working out what was going to happen next in this new book was one of the most exhiliarating activities. There was a lot of jumping around as a change in one part forced a change in another part, which made a change in a third part absolutely necessary.

At one point this morning, I honestly wondered if I were writing the story, or if the story was dictating itself to me. Ideas were coming fast and furious, and even the names of characters popped into my head without any concious effort on my part.

By the time 3 hours had passed the 5 page outline I ended with had very little in common with that very rough 1 page outline I had typed up last week.

If you could see me you would probably wonder why I’m rubbing my hands together like a mad scientist in an old horror flick. Sorry about that, but honestly, I feel like a mad scientist. Creating this book is going to be so much fun!

Since I neglected to mention it earlier, this new book will feature my old friend Vanessa from Department of Temporal Adjustment. Only this time Vanessa will remember every detail of her travels through time!

Let the fun begin!

The heady taste of nostalgia

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I am so ashamed of myself. So Ashamed!

This past week I attended a 5th grade graduation for my niece. I loved it, mainly because it reminded me of other 5th grade graduations of the past. A time when one or more of my children were tiny little munchkins who I tossed on my hip and carried around everywhere I went.

It made me rather nostalgic. Maybe a little too nostalgic.

Because when my sister-in-law had the misfortune of having both of her daughters (ages 1 and 3) begin to cry at the same time, all I could do is laugh.

Oh, I had plenty of empathy for her. I had been in the exact same situation innumerable times before. I well knew the frustration and embarrassment she was feeling. All she wanted was a little help. All I gave was a little laugh.

I hope she can forgive me some day, maybe when both of her girls graduate high school.

Until then, I’ll just have to admit to myself the sad truth. My reaction was unhelpful.

But really, at that moment I wasn’t myself. My brain wasn’t functioning properly.

How could it function? I was drunk on nostalgia.

Knock knock

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“Who is it?” I yelled through my closed door. A few months ago I had vowed to ask the question before opening my door. Safer that way.

Unfortunately my dog, who didn’t understand my intent, rushed through her dog door and began to frantically bark. Which forced me to peek my head out to make sure she wasn’t going to chew off the leg of some innocent person.

I had learned to trust my instincts a long time ago, and my instincts were telling me that this man was no innocent. Sleaze oozed from his pores as his not overly clean clothes hung unpleasantly off of his slouch-shouldered body. He didn’t appear to be ill fed, only ill bred, if you know what I mean.

“I need to complete a program where I meet 5 more nice neighbors,” he began as soon as he spotted me looking around the door jamb.

I didn’t say anything, so he continued, probably mistakenly taking my silence as a positive sign.

“I live over on 83rd, and I am with a group of mostly military brats who are part of a program–”

“I don’t believe you, so you can just leave now,” I broke in. Yes, I realize I was rude, but the vibes I was getting from this guy were creepy, and I wanted him to go away quickly.

“What do you mean you don’t believe me?” he nearly yelled, showing me that my instincts were correct, even if my actions might not be wisest. “How can you talk to me that way when my father is a Gunnery Sargeant in the Army and is deployed overseas? I–”

“Just stop!” I said firmly. “I know about enough about the military to not believe your story. You should go now.”

“But I’m living with my grandparents! I don’t like you calling me a liar.”

“Just go, and don’t come back.” I said again.

With that he sulked down the driveway. In his back pocket I spotted a familiar subscription list for magazines. One of the oldest cons around. It sure is nice to have such quick validation that I was right!

Yeah instincts!

And yeah noisy little dog who does her job to scare away creepy people!

Making conversation

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I did a little shopping in Whole Foods yesterday. It was one of those days.

I saw a couple of food bars on a lower shelf that looked interesting, so I squatted down so I could be out of the way while I read the ingredients and made my choices.

Right about then, a woman with a shopping cart pulled up beside me, about 2 feet away. She stepped away from her cart, leaving her 3 year old son staring at me.

“What’re you doing?” the tike asked me.
“Just looking for food to buy,” I answered politely.
“Mom,” the little darling yelled in a very loud voice, “this lady is bothering me!”

Later, at the checkout:
“Boy, I cannot believe I still have to have my heater on in my house!” I said to the cashier, making conversation.
“Maybe you should move,” she replied firmly after noting that I was wearing a winter coat.
“Well,” I said hesitantly, “my house does have a tendency to be cold.”
“No,” the helpful cashier corrected me, “I meant you should leave the state.”

Like I said, it was one of those days.

A head full of…nothing!

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I woke up at 7:30 this morning eager to start writing again. I have done what I wanted to do, I took several weeks off from writing, a long enough break to clear my head of my last book.

So far this morning I’ve replied to an email, updated another blog I run, read an article, and checked on my online toy store.

What I haven’t done is write.

Because…well…I may have done too good of a job of spring cleaning my brain. Not only is the last book cleared out, but so is everything else! My head is empty. Void of all creative thought. All cleaned out.

As a matter of fact, as I thought the last sentence above, I could hear an echo in that vast empty space that is my brain. All cleaned out…all cleaned out…cleaned out…cleaned out…out…out.


I think I need a jump start. Something or someone who will stimulate my imagination. Get those old creative juices flowing again.

I need my old friends, the Jupiterians. They may be irritating, but they sure do make me think!

Oh Jupiterians…Jupiterians…where have you gone?

Plagiarism post

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Now I’ve seen everything!

I was looking through the job listings on Craigslist today, and came across a listing that makes me shake my head. In disgust.

The person wrote that a 4 page, double-spaced synthesis paper was needed for his UW class. He would pay $15, but only after the paper was completed and passed successfully through a plagiarism checker.

Really? Was he worried that someone would try to sell him a paper that someone else had written?

Which in my mind would be just what he deserved!

It makes me wonder, does he really know the meaning of plagiarism? Or ethics?