Humanity mourns

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Steve Jobs died, and the world mourned.
Elizabeth Taylor died, and the world mourned.
Michael Jackson died, and the world mourned.

But why? Why do we mourn people we have never met, would never get to meet in a million years? Why do we feel a sense of loss for something we never had?

This desire to mourn, this compulsion of empathy, can be seen not only when a celebrity dies, but also in other tragedies. Tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, structural defects in buildings, train wrecks–and multiple other catastrophic events that cause a loss of human life–all result in a pull on our collective heart strings.

It is a phenomenon that is strange, worldwide, and oddly comforting. It illustrates, as nothing else does, that no matter our cultural heritage, political beliefs, or religious upbringing, we are all the same deep down inside. We are human.

I’m good with that.

NaNoWriMo 2011

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What is NaNoWriMo, you ask?

National Novel Writing Month, otherwise known as November.

I participated in NaNoWriMo in 2009 and ended up with more than 50,000 words of Gray Zone (my young adult novel about cyberbullying), 23,000 of which I had to cut. It seems that in my desperation to reach 50,000 words I sometimes wrote gibberish. Lots and lots of gibberish.

Still, it gave me a good start. I was further along in writing than I would have been if I had not participated in NaNoWriMo. It made me sit down, night after night, and do the one thing that is absolutely necessary to create a novel–write.

So cutting 23,000 words was a small price to pay for a 27,000 word beginning of a novel in a mere 30 days.  23,000 words–just a little light pruning. Not too awfully painful.

Besides, the novel grew back healthy and full of life, so the pruning was a success.

I think November is going to be a very good month! Yes indeed.

Four little points

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Honestly, why can’t I just be happy with a 96 out of 100? I’ve now received 96/100 on both of the graded assignments I’ve turned in and I should be glad, ecstatic, happy as a lamb on a hot summer’s day right after visiting the shearing shed. After all, 96/100 is an A.

But those points, those 4 little points that somehow lost their way, are really bugging me. I want to find them, reunite them with their brothers and sisters, and make sure they never get lost again.

I want to improve. To become the very best writer I possible can become.

Unfortunately, there is a problem. The only comment I received with my grade was “Excellent job! Keep up the good work.” Which doesn’t give me a lot to work with.

So sadly, the mystery of the disappearing points remains unsolved.

Where are Hercule Poirot, Sherlock Holmes, and all the other great detectives when you need them?

Three a day, every day

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It is harder than it seems.

The assignment is to write, in longhand, three pages a day, every day. The instructor doesn’t care what is written–words repeated over and over, a grocery list, or even complaints about the assignment–as long as it is three pages written in longhand on paper.

I know, that’s exactly what I thought! How can I possible waste that much paper! Think of a year’s worth of writing, over 1,000 pages of, well, scribble.

Honestly, just between the two of us,  I haven’t been able to get myself to do it yet. I can open Word and type out all sorts of things using my computer, but the thought of writing it down longhand gives me the shivers. Which is silly, since I grew up in a time when legible handwriting was valued and the art of using a typewriter was taught.

Unfortunately, I’m not one of those that thinks she knows better than everyone else, so I know I’ll have to give it a try. It could be true that there is something magical about pen meeting paper that is lost in the electronic world of computers and keyboards.

Good thing no one can see me rolling my eyes!

Okay, okay, I’ll be good. I’ll do it. I’ll log out, right this minute, and kill a tree. A lovely, wonderful, oxygen producing tree. I’m sure no one will mind, since the fate of my future writing career is at stake.

What did you say?

Oh my goodness, you are absolutely right! I could use recycled paper!

But honestly, couldn’t you have mentioned it sooner? I’ve been agonizing forever about this, simply forever!

Point taken. I’ll just be happy that I don’t have to kill a forest as I spark my creativity.

I guess I should thank you for your help, because I really do I feel much better now.

I’ve got to go now. I got some scribbling to do!

Mac vs PC

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I’ve always been a PC person. Maybe because my first computer was a PC, or maybe because as shortcuts are added for the technologically challenged user, control for the tech-savvy is reduced. And I’ve always heard that Macs are great for the tech-challenged.

I’m not saying I’m a super techy person, but I am pretty good at trouble shooting. I’ve even built a few computers in my time.

So when this new MFA program I’m beginning on Monday had using a Macbook as a requirement I didn’t really know how I felt about it. On the one hand I like new challenges, and using a Mac is a new challenge. But on the other hand, well, I simply don’t usually like Macs!

I got the brand new MacBook Pro on Tuesday evening. I must say, it is beautiful, but very, very heavy. Quite a bit heavier than my HP. It certainly is meant to sit on a desk and not be carried around.

I opened it up and began the process of getting acquainted.

The first thing I learned is that plug-and-play is not always plug-and-play, if you are used to a totally different system. My HP is sensitive to the slightest touch, so I became very frustrated very fast when I was unable to make the Mac respond. It wasn’t until my frustration caused me to slam my fingers down hard on the mouse pad that I got a response and realized the problem.

I suddenly felt like a person who had never been exposed to a computer. I didn’t like it, not one bit.

I’ve notice a strange phenomenon the past few days. Every time I sit down with my PC, I am pulled in and end up spending more time than I had planned. Every time I sit down with my Mac, I am repulsed and do not complete what I sat down to do.

Strange, don’t you think? And hopefully temporary, since I am required to use the Mac.

If I learn to love the Mac, I’ll be honest and post it here. But until that time, PCs still rule in my eyes.

Through the magic of television…

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Or at least, that’s what I feel I should say. I feel like I’m the host of a cooking show and I’ve just blended some cake batter, poured it into a pan, placed it into the oven and then immediately pulled out a fully baked cake.

What am I talking about you ask?

I’m in! I just received notice that I was accepted into the Creative Writing Master of Fine Arts program!

Yes, the same one that I mentioned for the first time a week ago. And you thought I couldn’t keep a secret.

Classes start the end of September for this accelerated program. I gulp every time I think about completing 2 years of work in just 1 year–while working at least half time. (I’m still optimistic that I’ll find a job.)

Overall, I’m going to enjoy jumping back into the world of learning. I expect to have a very busy year ahead of me, one that will stimulate my brain and turn the old creative faucet up full blast.

Of course, I might have to shove the books I had begun onto the back burner. But I’m sure a little simmering won’t hurt them in the least. After all, it is only a year.

One year. Gulp.

Hamster wheel to nowhere

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After debating with myself long and hard, I finally gave in and won.

For the past 2 years I’ve been a hamster in a cage, frantically spinning my wheels but going nowhere. It finally dawned on me that it was time for me to become human again and climb out of the cage. (It had become rather confining.)

After all, they say the definition of lunacy is repeating the same action over and over and expecting a different result. It has taken a while, but I finally understand that hamster wheels do not make good modes of transportation, no matter how fast you go.

Sooooooo, I did it! I enrolled in a Master of Fine Arts for Creative Writing program!

Wish me luck! It will be loads of work, but well worth it.

Note: I do, of course, still have to be accepted. Which I’m sure I will, since I prefer to think in positives.

Busy little scammers

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I posted a fraudulent email to Seen My Way that I had gotten in my inbox. It was one of those that was supposed to be unique to me (personally), sent because an electronic transfer had been cancelled. The claim was that is was from a bank, and it came complete with a reference number.

In less than 24 hours, I have had 616 hits on that email. That means 616 people found my site by searching for that email.

If 616 people were cautious enough to do searches to make sure it was legitimate and so found my site, just exactly how many of those duplicate emails did the busy little scammers send out?

Even more important, how many people simply trusted the email?

P.S. I took my dog for a walk and by the time I got back the hits on that email had jumped to 651. Like I said, busy little scammers!

Driving along the UnEmployed highway

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The UnEmployed highway is just like any other major roadway in this country. It is useful to get you from point A to point B, but it can be tedious, tiring, and at times, severely overcrowded.

I began my journey a little over 2 years ago, when the school I worked for decided that my position as Head Librarian was not necessary for the well-being of the school. My first thought was “will my employees lose their jobs?” closely followed by my second, which was “what will the students do without a librarian?”

In both cases, I might not have bothered to worry, since the only real change was that I was gone. My position was cut, but everything else was to remain the same.

So I hopped on the UE highway and began to drive.

It wasn’t so bad at first. As a matter of fact, the thought of all the potential places I could visit was exhilarating. I looked forward to the new people I’d meet and determined to enjoy the ride. I was receiving unemployment checks that would tide me over until just the right opportunity showed itself, until the-exit-to-my-perfect-job revealed itself. I was good to go.

After nearly a year on the UE my enthusiasm began to wane. Short distance trips were one thing, but this was getting a little ridiculous. Surely that perfect job was just over the horizon, just down the road. I was well educated, a hard worker, and I had managed 3 libraries with a staff of 10. I had a lot to offer, my exit should be coming up soon.

And then I saw it! My exit! I swerved over, and zipped down the off ramp. Finally, finally, I resume my normal life. I would once again be a contributing member of the working world.

Only…well…it was the wrong exit. I should have paid attention to signs, since the sign for this exit had been scratched and bent and had made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. But I had chosen to ignore it, since I could see in the distance a bustling, thriving town and I wanted to exit the UE.

Not smart. Not smart of me at all, because as as I got closer I discovered that what looked pristine and healthy in the distance was instead a disgusting rathole filled with thieves and crooks. And since I am neither a rat nor a crook I could not stay. I didn’t belong.

So back on that old UE highway I went. Only this time, there were no checks. My exodus from the job had been voluntary so I was on my own.

Now the ride was very different. Storm clouds began to gather and my gas tank crept nearer and nearer to empty. I had no choice but to to stop at every rest stop (aka low paying contract job) along the way I could find.

I am still looking for my exit.  Even though those storm clouds have continued to amass and are now thick and roiling with unleashed lightning bolts I continue to have hope. And even though my fuel gage is no longer approaching E but is firmly set there, I still have hope. My exit, the one that will be perfect for me, must be just out of sight, just over the horizon. It must be there, it must, it must.

A sunny day in Seattle

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The sun has been sadly lacking in Seattle this summer. As a matter of fact, it feels like summer has just begun, even though it is already late August.

But never fear, we did have a few beautiful days in July. I happened to capture one of them and would like to share it. You know, to share the wealth.

It does illustrate just how glorious this area can be when the sun decides to cooperate.

This is Gasworks Park, and the video was taken with my cellphone.

Whatever did we do before smartphones?

Oh, right. I guess we just sat back and enjoyed ourselves without worrying about capturing everything for posterity.