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The best writers focus on what is important–communication. They keep their writing simple, clear, and concise.

They don’t get caught up in complicated sentence structures.

They resist the urge to show off their superior vocabulary.
They lay out their argument in an easy to understand manner, one that does not require a flow chart to understand.

I recently encountered the quintessence of the bad style of writing when I was forced to peruse a book that tenaciously used obfuscating verbiage to make the substance arduous to comprehend, and therefore sleep-inducing.

Yep. That’s how I felt about it too.


Slipping into villainosity

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I have been studying what makes a villain, and I find it rather interesting. I am especially fascinated by the fact that a wrong step, usually into that self-centered world of me-dom, can turn a hero into a villain.

Think about it. Villains and heroes are closer than might be expected. A hero, to protect himself or his loved ones, often has to keep himself apart from others. He is different than the average person, and more powerful.

A villain is also different and more powerful, and like the hero, he also puts himself apart from the rest of the world. But where the hero uses his power to help others, the villain uses it to force others to bend to his will, so that he can have his own way. He believes it is his right, since he is better and more important than everyone else.

Wait a minute. I seem to recall a story I heard, just this morning, about someone who displayed these villainous characteristics. Now who was it? Who was it that hopped off the hero pedestal to take a stroll down the path of villainy?

Oh, yes. Now I remember, it was Beyonce!

Paying to have everyone else kicked to the curb so that an entire floor of the hospital could be turned into her own private haven is truly the mark of a person who has stepped onto that road to villainy. Talk about lack of consideration for your fellow human beings! Next we will hear that she has bought a private island, or even a small country.

Turn back, Beyonce! Quick, before the pull of the self-centered life catches you fully in its gravitational pull and you are no longer able to recognize the path you have taken, the path that takes you away from humanity.

Drop the black cape, stop being a bully, and rejoin the real world.

You won’t regret it. From what I hear, me-dom is really a very lonely place.

Writer, know thy character

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In my MFA program we are now working on…drum roll, please…CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT.

Of all the different aspects of writing, character development is the one I feel I need to work on the most. Just how do you make your characters come to life? How do you make them real? How do you get your audience to understand and sympathize with the character?

So far, it seems that you must learn everything about them, and I do mean everything! During an earlier class I wrote a character bio for my main character, which included a brief history of her family.

Then I was asked to rewrite the bio, incorporating traits based on the four humors, her astrological sign, her Chinese zodiac, and her blood type.

Now I’m reading the theories of several different famous psychologists, trying to figure out why my character acts like she does, and I need to come up with a deep, dark secret about her that even she may not know!

At every step, we share our writing with our fellow students, and give and receive comments. Which we then use as we rewrite.

And we are far from done.

I must say, I do feel I know my protagonist very well now. I hope when I finally get to put her down on paper she will seem just as alive and real to everyone else!

Well, time to get back to work.

Pitching into the new year

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In January of this coming year I’ll be entering the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest with my YA novel, Gray Zone. I’ve held off getting it published just so I could enter it. I’m nothing if not brave!

There are several things I need to do to enter, one of which is write a 300 word pitch. I just finished rewriting the pitch for the fourth time, so I thought I’d end 2011 on positive note by taking a deep breath and sharing it. (Sharing is always good, right?) I hope you like it!


 *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

It has been said that the Internet changed the world. Autumn didn’t know about the rest of the world, but it certainly changed her part of it.
A cyber-prank had gone viral and now Autumn must transfer schools.  Not exactly what she wanted to do as a sophomore. But then, what choice did she have when all her personal information was posted all over the Web? The police said her only chance to avoid stalkers was to move schools and start over.
Luckily, Autumn realized that she had been given an opportunity to reinvent herself, to become the outgoing, popular, not-at-all-shy girl she’d always wanted to be. Something that was impossible while surrounded by lifelong friends who thought they knew her better than she knew herself.
But even the best plans go awry. As soon as Autumn arrived at her new school she ran into Maurice—a bully of monumental proportions—who stepped on toes, beat up kids, and generally made life miserable for everyone. And then Sophie Rose, Autumn’s best friend, transferred to the school but kept her distance. It made Autumn wonder if Sophie Rose felt Autumn was no longer good enough to be her friend.
To be honest, Autumn was her own biggest obstacle. She failed miserably at changing the old habits that had given her that shy-girl reputation in the first place. Not only could she not move from reserved to rambunctious, she couldn’t even get to normal.
Such were Autumn’s problems, until the day Sophie Rose committed suicide. From that point on all Autumn wanted was to know was why. Then, after reading Sophie Rose’s diary, the question changed from why, to who.
Gray Zone is a 50,000 word young adult novel about bullying—both physical and cyber—friendship, and coming of age.

 *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
Wish me luck! But more importantly–

It’s alive!

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Well, almost.

I present to you, book #5.

Monkeys on an Island will be available soon. Very soon! (It has a publication date of February 1, 2012, but books typically are available a little before their pub date.)

In case you haven’t guessed already, it is a picture book.

Look for it. I bet I’ll spot it on Amazon before you do.

You can’t delegate your life

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I awoke this morning with the oddest words echoing through my head. They were playing, over and over, as if their importance was so intense that my mind was determined to etch them into the walls of my brain.

“You can’t delegate your life.”

In my sleepy state I felt they made perfect sense. Of course you couldn’t delegate your life! How silly to even think you could. To delegate is to choose someone to act for you, and how can you choose someone to live your life? Impossible.

And then I began to awake. Each step toward consciousness brought me closer to the realization that the statement was not quite as simple as I had first thought. When an epiphany finally slapped me fully awake I knew what the statement meant.

There are times I do delegate my life. With every television show I watch, every book I read, every video game I play, I delegate my life to their creators. Because you see, while I am watching, reading, and playing, I am not actively living. I am passive. I am in a life that is not my own, a life someone else created.

Now, before you get all huffy and say reading is good for you and an occasional game or TV show never hurt anyone, let me say I agree. Entertainment, in small doses, is great! It is necessary. It serves a very important purpose in our lives to help us de-stress and relax.

But only in small doses. As soon as the pursuit of entertainment makes us forget to actually live, we’ve delegated away our lives.

I’ve seen it happen time and time again. I don’t know what causes some people to get caught up in passivity. Maybe they are tired, or bored, or lazy, or even afraid of life.

All I know is that now that I’ve gotten the message, I have to live it.

You can’t delegate your life.

Living is doing.

Imagine that!

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If I didn’t know the imagination was powerful before, I sure do now!

I am taking a class about research, something I am comfortable with and enjoy very much. The subject I was given to research was pandemic viruses.

Everything was fine until I came across a plethora of articles about the 1918 influenza pandemic that killed somewhere between 50 million and 100 million people. For whatever reason, that particular pandemic made my imagination kick into overdrive. I felt suddenly sick. With the flu, no less.

The symptoms hit me like a ton of bricks. Stuffed up nose, upset stomach, feverish, and that all over feeling of blah. The more I researched, the worse I felt. By the time I had a sufficient amount of research I felt my best bet was to call it a day (even if it was only 9:30 am) and go to bed. So I wrote out my findings, posted my assignment, and trudged downstairs to get a pre-nap dose of vitamin C.

I never took the vitamin C. Within two minutes of posting my research, all my symptoms were gone. Not a sign of fever, not a sniffle, nada.

Yes, the imagination is an amazing thing.

Note to self: Never, never, never write a horror story or a thriller. Never!

Elbows Malone

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Running across the airport is always a trying experience, especially when the mischievous pixies of the reservation system have been busy moving whichever gate I needed to the far corners of the airport.

I arrived just as the last passenger was having his boarding pass scanned by the attendant. I was out of breath, but happy. I had made it! The plane had not left without me!

I boarded the crowded plane, and as I arrived at my seat my heart dropped to my feet.

Eek! I had a middle seat! How could life treat me this cruelly?  I was now destined to spend the next few hours squished between two perfect strangers, a hostage to the “fasten seat belt” sign that was sure to stay lit the entire time.

With a deep breath I straightened my shoulders and decided to grin and bear it. After all, it was Thanksgiving day. Instead of focusing on the bad seating arrangement, I would spend my hours in flight enumerating the many things I am thankful for.

Or so I thought.

I never asked the guy in the aisle seat next to me his name. It would not have mattered anyway, because I will always think of him as Elbows Malone, the orneriest elbow thrower the West has ever known.

He seemed to believe that both armrests were his personal property, and after the third time he slammed his sharp elbow down on my arm, which I had rested on the very edge of the armrest for a moment, I wondered if he might be right.

I decided to take the high road and ignore his ill manners.

The real test of my fortitude came about the fourth time his elbows jabbed me in the ribs. It was a particularly painful jab, and my natural instinct was to use my much sharper elbows in retaliation. I was able to restrain myself by repeating, over and over again, my long list of thanks.

We finally landed, and I watched as Elbows Malone used his built-in swords to force his way off the plane ahead of his turn.

As I exited I added two more “I am thankfuls” to my list.

I am thankful that Elbows Malone is not a friend or family member, and I am thankful I will never have to sit next to him on a plane again.

But if the world plays a trick on me and I find myself again trapped beside him and his out of control appendages, he had better hope I have once again decided to fly on Thanksgiving Day!

Or better yet, maybe the next time I fly I will go prepared, with a big roll of duct tape.

Thanksgiving 2011

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Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I have so much to be thankful for that I won’t list everything here, you all would be bored to tears. God has blessed me in so many ways.

Instead I’ll just list the highlights.

Every “I am thankful for” list I’ve ever scribbled begins with my wonderful family. After all, my life would not be the same without them. I have been blessed, and am thankful for, the family I was born into, the one I married into, and most especially the one my husband and I built together.

And this year I am extra thankful for my mother.

All it took was a single “what if” moment, one thought of “what if my mother wasn’t around?” and I instantly remembered what she means to me.

During my childhood my friends would cower as my mother approached, fear oozing from their pores and every transgression evident on their faces. Their eyes wide with fright, they waited, breathless, only capable of responding to my mom’s friendly questions with simple, monosyllabic answers.

The funny thing was, my mother had never raised her voice nor said a cross word to a single one them, and she was not likely to. It was not her way.

Still, their fear was not unfounded. My mom, though small in stature, is a powerhouse radiating massive rays of strength.

Maybe it is that backbone of steel, or the perfectly tuned moral compass.

Any way around I am thankful for her. She is the foundation on which my life began. She is a solid rock to lean on, a comforting teddy bear to hug, and an encyclopedia of commonsense wisdom.

I am very, very lucky to have my mother.