Two plus eight equals–

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I love eavesdropping! It’s the best way to see what people really talk about, and how they do it.

Yesterday, while walking the dog, I caught the following tidbit from a mom who had just loaded her child onto the school bus.

“So I just don’t think she’s learned the ropes yet. You know, the difference between one and ten. That two plus eight equals–”

Slight pause while she calculated the answer.

“–equals, well, whatever. The school isn’t teaching her what she needs to know.”

Hmm. I wonder if she helps her child with her homework?


Just sayin’

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There’s an old joke that says that the definition of a lunatic is someone who does the same thing over and over but expects different results.

Based on the election results I’d have to guess that there are quite a few crazy people around.

I’m just sayin’.

Fifteen what?

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Here’s a sliver of a conversation I overheard this morning between two guys working on a neighbor’s house.

“It’s gonna cost them fifteen grand!”

“Fifteen grand?”

“Yeah. Fifteen hundred, almost two thousand. Fifteen grand.”

And there you have it. The real reason you should get a written estimate.

Drip by drip

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I can breathe a sigh of relief. Maybe.

I’ve not been able to work on Gray Zone since I finished school, even though I’d figured out exactly what needed to be done. Something was stopping me, holding me back.

So this morning I reverted to my old way of working. I got up, spoke to no one, made a cup of coffee, and opened up Gray Zone on my computer.


Okay. So maybe I didn’t do a lot of writing. Probably no more than one hundred words or so.

But it’s a start. A small one, but a start.

Hey, don’t knock success, no matter how small. I’m hoping that this trickle of work will erode away whatever is damming the flood of creativity.

Drip by drip, word by word. I’ll get it written. I’d rather a flood than a trickle, but I’ll take what I can get.


Pumpkin time!

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Last night my family got together to carve pumpkins, drink hot apple cider, and talk about everything under the sun. It was a blast.

Some of pumpkins, with their owners, left right around dark, so there was no time for a photo op. But we put candles in the the remaining ones and took a picture.

Ooh, scary!

Or maybe not. This is the one I carved. Not really frightening at all, I know. Just silly.

After the little ones left, five of us watched a scary movie. Bad mistake. Now I’m jumping at shadows.

Oh well. I’m sure it won’t last long. I’ve watched scary movies before and gotten over it.

But at least now I remember why I usually stay away from that genre.

The amazing human brain

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The human brain is the most complex, useful, and wonderful gadget ever invented. It is the only device I can think of that actually works better while it is shut off.

It certainly is a handy-dandy little problem solver. And this whole dream-a-solution thing is amazing, simply amazing.
I finished Gray Zone last year, but I knew it needed something. I wracked my brain for ideas, but nothing would come to me. I was stuck.
So I put Gray Zone aside and pursued a new degree.
About halfway through the program Gray Zone shoved its way from the back of my brain, where it was supposed to be relaxing at my mind spa, and demanded that I spend some time fixing it.
But I didn’t have time. The MFA program was too intense.
So Gray Zone retreated with a huff back to the mind spa to sulk.
I finished my degree program last month and immediately pulled out Gray Zone. There was no further reason for the little book to sulk, I was ready and willing to give it all the attention it could ever want.
So I skimmed through it, waiting for that wondrous flash of brilliance I just knew would come.
I pulled out a piece of paper and tried to create an outline of the book, thinking that it would make it easier for me to see the changes that needed to be made.
I opened Final Draft. If I put the book in screenplay format, the structure would be easy to see, and any problems would jump out at me like a zombie in a haunted house.
Gray Zone, still in a snit, wouldn’t let me write down even a single word. I guess it was still ticked that it had been put aside for over a year.
Every day since I’ve frustrated myself to distraction, trying to come up with a wonderful idea, or a good idea, or even an okay idea.
But nothing.
Until finally, I gave up. I told Gray Zone I was having nothing else to do with it and I put it out of my mind.
And that was when that wonderful device that is the human brain took over. Without any effort on my part I knew the answer to my problem. It just popped into my head, unasked.
I dreamt the answer. And it is a good one!
I can’t wait to start writing!

Horses and bayonets

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Horses and bayonets.

I watched the debate last night, and all I can think about was that snide comment that President Obama made to Mitt Romney.

Did President Obama think he was being witty?
Did he feel the jab made him seem more presidential?
Was it intended to put Mitt Romney in his place?
Was it meant to make him seem old and out of touch?

Tsk, tsk. 

Not cool, and not presidential.

Innocent until proven guilty?

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Once upon a time, in this country I call home, people were considered innocent until their guilt had been proven.

But that was the old days. The pre-Internet days. Innocent until proven guilty no longer applies.

Don’t believe me?

Oh, then you must not have heard about the Boy Scout Perversion Files scandal that all the news agencies around here can’t stop talking about.

It seems that the Boy Scouts organization has kept a file documenting every accusation of impropriety within their ranks. The file goes back to the 1960s.

A judge ordered that the files be made public, so they have been put up on the Internet for all to see. I think the idea is that if you hide wrong-doing, the wrong-doers have the opportunity to reoffend elsewhere.

But here’s the deal. These names that have been released are names of people ACCUSED of wrong-doing, not necessarily names of people PROVEN of wrong-doing.

Get the difference?

Each and every name on that list represents a person who is being labeled as guilty, whether anything had been proven or not. Even worse, since this goes back to the 1960s, some of those names represent people who have died, leaving the icky cloud of unsubstantiated guilt hanging over the heads of their children.

Some justice.

I believe in protecting children, but I also know that we do not live in a perfect world. False accusations are sometimes leveled against perfectly innocent people for a variety of reasons.

Someone seems to have forgotten that accusations do not necessarily equal guilt.

And someone has also forgotten that posting a list on the Internet is not the same as posting a piece of paper in the village green.

Accusation equals guilt, published to all. No court date needed.

The new law of the land.

“I am a writer” video

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I just posted this on the “About the Author” page.

It explains why I became a writer.
I can’t take credit for the idea of doing this little video. It is based on a homework assignment I had to do while obtaining my  MFA.What I like about it is that it made me really think about being a writer.

Someone needs a lesson in ethics!

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I have a code of ethics. Among the rules  that govern my behavior is one that requires me to work hard and give credit where credit is due. So you can be sure if I claim work as mine, it is mine. I don’t cheat or steal.

Unfortunately, not everyone lives by that same code.

I was shocked to find an ad on Craigslist that claims to be posted by a graduate student who wants to hire a writer to write his/her papers. The ad states that there is plenty of work to be done, and that the assignments will continue for a number of years.

Oh, and the writer must have a graduate degree, because the poster only wants graduate level papers, which can only be written by someone who has a graduate degree.

Obviously the poster knows that this is a shady deal, since he/she will only pay in cash through a bank, allowing him/her to cover his/her tracks.

This goes way past plagiarism! Way past!