How to be a fantastic parent in 10 not-so-easy steps

Although numbered, these steps are in no particular order.

1. Stay up all night and worry. It’s an important part of the job.

2. Don’t try to be friends with your child, you’re job is to be a parent. Trying to be a friend will not make you look cool, but silly and ridiculous. Is that what you really want?

3. Teach your child to show respect for authority. Smart aleck kids might be cute on television but in real life they’re a pain-in-the-neck. Think of the last pain-in-the-neck you worked with. Did you want to help them succeed or kick them in the pants?

4. Start out strict and give more leniency as the child matures. It’ll make both of your lives more pleasant.

5. Children test boundaries, it’s part of human nature. So be sure to give them boundaries. They’re building muscles they’ll use for the rest of their lives.

6. Read to your child a lot and often. Read until people tell you it’s ridiculous, that your child is too old to be read to. Search out new novels (age appropriate), read classics,  expand your horizons as you expand you child’s. It’s a great adventure that will bring you closer together.

7. Never laugh at your child’s naughty behavior. Children repeat things they think are cute.

8. Never ignore inappropriate behavior. Children view parental inaction as approval.

9. Teach your child empathy rather than entitlement and you’ll be doing the world a favor. Brats become bullies, and we already have enough bullies to go around. We don’t need any more.

10. Enjoy time with your child. Children can be the funniest, sweetest, most entertaining creatures on earth. Better than video games, better than television, and even better than a good book. Which is saying a lot, coming as it is from a writer who spent years as a librarian.

Office space

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In our old house I had a 12 X 14 office all to myself. I adored having so much room!
But we moved, and there is very little ‘extra’ space for a dedicated office in our 820 sq. ft. apartment.
So I did what I’m sure many other writers have done in the past. I carved a little niche for myself in the bedroom. ‘Little’ being the operative word, because what you see is all I’ve got!
It works though, because it includes what I consider the two most important assets of an office space. A door I can close and a window I can open.
Of course, I still use the same alarm clock as before. The one that patiently reminds me when it’s time to give my brain a rest and take a walk.
Happy writing!


Interrupted by indecision

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This morning’s writing has been interrupted by indecision.

I’m usually a pretty decisive person, rarely unable to quickly make up my mind. At least about important things.

But this morning I found myself snatching and discarding possibilities faster than a five-year-old in a candy store with only a dollar to spend.  All because I need to define a new character in a script I’m writing.

I’ll admit that for a moment I was tempted to blame my inability on my old friends, the Jupiterians. Those rambunctious, mischievous little critters adore playing pranks, and I am their favorite target. But then I came to my senses and realized that the only way they could manage this particular prank would be to get inside my head.

They’re wily, but not that wily.

I might as well accept it, the fault is all my own. Maybe I should-

What was that? Did I just hear giggles?

I wonder if I should worry.

Scam phone call

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What a nice way to start the weekend. NOT!

The phone rang at 8 am, and it’s Saturday. I answered and had the following conversation.

“Can I speak to (husband’s name here)?”
“Who’s calling?”
“(Husband’s name here), I’m calling about your computer.”
“What computer? I don’t have a computer.” (Note: This is a scam call I’ve gotten many times over the last few years. The caller claims to be from Microsoft, and says that my computer needs fixing. The only way I’ve ever gotten them not to call every day is to say I don’t have a computer.)
“You’re a liar. You have a computer.”
“Wow. Did you really just call me a liar?”
“I did, because you are a liar. A big, fat liar.”
“Whether I have a computer or not really doesn’t matter. What matters is I don’t want you to ever call here again. I’m on the Do Not Call list-”
“I’m going to call you forever and forever. And you’d better do what I want, I’m a Pakistani.”
“Are you threatening me?”
“Yes, I’m threatening you. I’m going to !@#$% you up. So you’d better watch out.”
“Well, I’ll be reporting this call to the authorities.”
“You’d better watch out! I’m going to !@#$% you up-”


What a sad life that guy must have! So much time and energy spent trying to scam people out of their money. And his language!

Should I have asked him if he kisses his mother with that mouth?

My daughter gave an excellent suggestion for the next time the scammer calls. It involves a whistle and a lung full of air.

So scammer, I’m giving you fair warning. The next time you call you’d better wear ear plugs!
Or better yet, don’t call at all.

At the car dealership

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I visited a car dealership last week, and was it an eye opener!

I probably should give a little background. As a writer I’m self-employed and work from home. So when we moved to a walkable area I decided to get rid of our second car and conduct an experiment to see if we could be a one car family.

The experiment lasted a mere three months. Let me tell you, car withdrawal symptoms are not pretty. Not pretty at all.

So my husband and I spent hours comparing cars online, looking for deals, and discussing what would best suit our needs. It was a grueling process, but we persevered. We finally found an ad for a 2014 Ford Escape at one of the nearby dealerships that we both liked.

Hubby had to work and he hates buying things, so I drove him to work the next day and took my youngest daughter with me so she could drive the old car home while I drove the Escape.

To be honest, I expected a smooth buying experience. I’m a woman with excellent credit who’s purchased multiple cars by myself in the past.

I should have known there was trouble when the salesman jotted down a series of numbers on a piece of paper, shoved it under my nose, and said, “You girls are intelligent, you can see what a deal this is. You girls better hurry and snap it up, it won’t last long!”

You girls?

I ignored it and the negotiating began. Only, this salesman employed a technique I’ve never before encountered in a car salesman. Every negotiating point was accompanied by a very inappropriate leer.

I suppose he thought the more uncomfortable he made ‘girls’ the more flustered they’d become. And his leers did make me uncomfortable. After about ten minutes of it I’d practically put my jacket on backwards.

But I was so determined to drive away in a new Escape that I did my best to ignore the creep factor and negotiated a price I could live with. I filled out the credit application and waited while he took it to his manager.

He jauntily returned few minutes later. “My manager says your husband will have to come in. Since you’re self employed, he says you can’t buy a car.”

“Wait a minute,” I argued, “I’ve bought plenty of cars in the past. Besides, my husband and I have been married 29 years. We share everything. What’s his is mine, and what’s mine is his.”

He shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. What the manager says, goes.”

“Did you check my credit?”

“Yep. Your credit is excellent. Couldn’t be higher. But we still need your husband.”

About then I realized I must have stepped through a portal into a time when women weren’t allowed to make financial transactions. Our little brains couldn’t handle the stress.

My daughter and I left with our heads high and Ford lost a sale.

As we drove home my daughter thanked me for the experience. It seems it was the first time she’d seen sexism first hand. She had been under the impression that sexism was dead.

But sexism isn’t dead.
It’s alive! Bwa ha ha ha!

Turn off the !@#$% computer!

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I received messages a few days ago informing me that cyberbullying is not a problem. I guess the sender wanted me to know I’d wasted my time writing Gray Zone.

“Turn off the !@#$% computer! Problem solved,” was one message he wrote.

Anger oozed from his messages like pus from an infected wound. Which made me wonder what had wounded him so deeply that he thought it was okay to use profanity towards a perfect stranger.

Okay, so maybe I’m not so perfect. But that’s not the point. We’re not friends, buds, or even acquaintances. We’re strangers.

But I’ll disregard his total lack of web manners and address the feasibility of his ‘solution’.

Because simply turning off the computer solves nothing.

Oh sure, it’ll keep one type of negativity spewer away. The kind that goes around randomly attacking everyone and anyone they find on the Internet. Stay away from the virtual world and it is possible to stay away from their disgusting, virtual spit.

But those aren’t the bullies I wrote about in Gray Zone. The ones in Gray Zone, the ones most common to teens, use the Internet as a tool, but not the only tool.

Turn off the computer and the victim will receive hateful phone calls and texts.

Put away the cell phone and the victim will be tormented by the laughter and whispers of fellow students as they ‘enjoy’ an embarrassing video, picture, or comment. At the victim’s expense, of course.

Ignore the whispers and the victim will find that friends are suddenly too busy to hang out, especially when rumors and embarrassing pictures of the victim flood their school.

Because the cyberbullies teens have to deal with quite often go to school with their victims, live in the neighborhood, and have a front row seat to the drama they create with their torture.

So go ahead, pull the plug on the computer if it makes you feel better.
It’ll do very little to short-circuit the power trip that makes a bully, a bully.

Betwixt and Between

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Sometimes I feel like a fit in nowhere. Like I ‘m the poster child for the betwixt and between crew.

I don’t mean with my family, of course. My family is the one place where I feel I can be me, really me, and still be totally accepted and supported.
But once I leave the protected environment of my loved ones I have trouble finding that special place that feels like home away from home, with people who take on the role of my second family when my first family isn’t available.
I have a degree in archaeology, and had planned to make it my career until life intervened. Yet I certainly can’t rely on the archaeology community for that second home experience. It wouldn’t make sense. I’m an outsider and will remain an outsider. I’ve never even been on a single dig.
Lack of practical experience explains why I don’t have a zillion best buds among the archaeology crowd, but not what keeps me an outsider in the librarian community.  I’ve been a practicing librarian in both public and school libraries. I have real world experience as a librarian and I found I was rather good at it.Yet somehow, the connection to other librarians I know just isn’t there. I can’t seem to reach them on a personal level.

So where exactly do I fit in?Do I fit in with the writing community, as a novelist or a screenwriter?

I guess only time will tell.

Or maybe my crystal ball, if I could remember where I packed it.

A bullhorn in the desert.

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Having a blog is an odd thing. It’s like doing a coffee house reading without the coffee. Or the house. Or the stage. Or the microphone. Or the faces.

Hmm. That’s a lot of ‘or’s. Guess I’d better re-think my analogy.

Let’s see…

Got it! Having a blog is like being in the middle of an empty desert with a bullhorn.

Yep! That’s more the feeling.

Don’t get me wrong. My blog gets comments. Just enough to let me know that that old bullhorn is doing it’s job.

But not enough to let me know how well the old bullhorn is working.

Which leaves me with a plethora of questions. Like, who’s listening? What type of people drop by for a visit? What are their likes, and dislikes? Do we share common interests?

So I do the only thing I can. I check my stats.

You should check your stats. It can be a disappointing, yet fascinating, experience.

Disappointing because the stats really don’t give very much information, only how many visits the blog gets and what country they’re from.

But fascinating because, well, the blog gets visits from all over the world. All those potential friends!

It really sparks the imagination. Especially when a country jumps to the top of the list and stays there for months. I can’t help myself. I start to feel that there must be people in that country that I’m connecting with. People who could be my friends.

But the other day I checked my stats and was surprised to see a new country not only on the list, but with ten times more visits than I’d ever had in one day from ANY country. Even the United States.

Then in the days that followed, not a single visit.

What’s up, country-that-will-remain-unnamed, was it something I wrote?
Did it remind you of another blog you used to read that ended badly?
Does my blog have bad breath?

Country-that-will-remain-unnamed, I’ll admit that you flattered me with your attention. Commonsense flew out the window. I thought we had something. I thought you liked me–I mean my blog. I thought you liked my blog.

Then BAM–nothing!
No comments. No visits. You dropped my blog like a hot potato.


So much for making a connection.

Back to the old bullhorn in the desert.


When is a selfie not a selfie?

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“Stay here honey, I’ll be right back,” the father said to his daughter. They were standing fifty feet from a set of bathrooms located at the foot of the California Screaming roller coaster.

The very same roller coaster that my family was in line to ride for the second time that day.

Once had been enough for me. Several years earlier I had eagerly jumped aboard, only to be rocketed along at such a force that I was lifted out of the seat for the entire ride while tears streamed out of my eyes.

And no, I wasn’t crying. The force of the ride was intense. So much so that it literally squeezed tears out of my eyes like Minute Maid squeezes juice from an orange.

Can you blame me for opting out of the ride to sit on one of the cozy benches located at the foot of that monstrous roller coaster?

Anyway, the man handed the child his smart phone and proceeded on his mission to visit the bathroom. The girl, who was about eight, found a seat on an empty bench near me and immediately became immersed in a game.

I’m not really a buttinsky, but I do worry about children left alone in public places. So I decided to quietly keep an eye on the girl until her father returned.

Which is why I noticed when a woman about twenty feet away got up and moved in my direction. She turned back to where she had been sitting and shrugged a question. A heavyset man on the bench motioned, she looked at the bench with the little girl and immediately went to sit an inch from the girl. The girl was so caught up in her game that she seemed not to notice.

But I noticed.

My brain worked frantically as I thought through different scenarios, the best of which being that the woman and the little girl knew each other.

Which wasn’t likely. The little girl continued to play her game and ignore the woman sitting practically on top of her.

So I did the most logical thing I could think of. I turned and openly watched as the heavyset man moved over to the bench and looked down at the little girl. Then he looked up and his eyes locked with mine. I kept my gaze steady and unflinching. An easy thing for a former librarian to do.

He looked away from me, ordered the girl off the bench, and took a seat. The girl’s father returned a minute later and they went about their business, happy to return to a day of fun.

But I kept watching the couple on the bench. They sat there for about five minutes, with the woman worriedly looking in my direction every few seconds.

Which brings up the question, “When is a selfie not a selfie?”

Of course the answer is, “When it’s a ‘just in case’ picture.” As in, ‘just in case’ the couple was or is up to no good.

I know the couple didn’t do anything except run the little girl off the bench. It was rude, but nothing to write home about.

But what would have happened if no one had been watching? Would the outcome have been the same?

You may notice that I’ve blurred the woman’s face and tattoo.

I did this because I don’t believe in plastering a person’s image all over the Internet. Her features are blurred enough so that she looks like thousands of other women.

But even with the blurring it’s easy to see that she’s looking my way and she’s worried.

Which is why I’m keeping the original of this ‘selfie’ in a safe place.

Just in case.