New friend!

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Guest Post by Pepper Curious: 

I met a new friend today.


Or at least, I think he might become a friend.


I think he’s a little shy. When I saw him I was so excited to get a new friend that I ran around and around talking to him, but he never moved an inch or answered back.


I’ll try to be a little calmer next time, to give him a chance to get used to me.


New friend! New friend! New friend!

A mental slap

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My husband and I visited a local brewery Friday evening. And by local, I mean it is within easy walking distance to my house.

As we walked back home we began to talk about the Antifa problem, particularly in Portland.

Those poor people who live in Portland. They have to put up with being intimidated by masked bandits with weapons. On their own streets!

If Antifa was made up of legitimate protesters it would be slightly better. There might be a glimmer of commonsense hidden behind a few of those masks.

But there was nothing legitimate about Antifa. I would bet they were paid to cause trouble and create chaos. Either that, or they need to all go back to school, because they act like-

About then I heard a footstep on the sidewalk and turned to find a young man just a few feet behind us. I gulped as I realized he was the perfect age to be an Antifa goon.

Was he Antifa? Did he overhear me badmouthing his group?

I suddenly felt there was an Antifa goon hiding in every bush, just waiting for the signal to pounce.

My heart started to beat so hard I thought it was going to jump out of my chest and run, screaming, down the street.

What if this Antifa dude followed us and found out where we lived? What if he targeted my family? What if-?

That’s when I slapped myself. Mentally, of course. My husband would have thought I was crazy if I had literally slapped myself as we walked down the street.

I’d decided a long time ago that to live in fear was to barely live at all. It wasn’t going to happen.

So I did the most logical thing. I continued to give my opinion about those cowards and reprobates who call themselves Antifa, only louder.

After all, how can my voice be heard if I whisper?

Rewrites’ revenge

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It’s always dangerous to take a vacation in the middle of rewrites. The rewrites usually exact their revenge.

Here’s a current example. I just got back last night from a short, four day vacation. First thing this morning I opened up the True Story manuscript and began with the first paragraph of Chapter 27.

With all the extra chairs stacked about no one could mistake the room for anything but what it was, an office that was being used as a storage room.

No one could mistake the room for anything other than it was, an office that some poor fool had unwisely allowed an extra chair to be left in an unused corner. Unwisely, because chairs, like every other creature in the universe, attract their own. Before the dolt knew what had happened, extra chairs from all over the building had migrated to his office and taken up residence in towering stacks that lined each wall. The poor guy tried to get someone to remove the surplus of chairs, but it was a lost cause. He finally gave up and carved out a nice little corner in the records room where he could do his work.

I’m not exactly sure how I got from B to A, and it certainly doesn’t look like an hour and a half worth of work to me!

I’d best move on to another type of work for today. Let my brain wrap itself around what it’s supposed to be doing and come at it again tomorrow.

Networking nerves

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Last night I went to a networking event for screenwriters. I rarely get the chance to rub shoulders with other writers, so I was rather nervous.

That’s the excuse I’m giving. I was nervous.

‘Cause when someone asked me what I wrote, a bunch of gobbledygook poured out of my mouth. A veritable flood of nonsense. I’m pretty sure it was unintelligible. It certainly didn’t make it seem I knew how to put two words together.

Even worse, my hands kept flapping about like I was swatting a swarm of mosquitoes. They were doing it all on their own, I had no control over them.


Obviously, I need to get out more.

Would you like ice in that?

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Summer is my favorite time of year. That glorious sun! I can’t get enough of it.

Hmm. Maybe I should rephrase that since I burn in about a minute and a half.

I adore the bright light of a summer’s day, as long as I can enjoy it from a shaded location. It’s not the heat I can’t handle, it’s those potent UV rays.

But there is one weird thing that happens in the summer.

My favorite order at Starbucks is a Venti extra hot latte. The ratio of coffee to milk is perfect, and I get a particular satisfaction when I drink a very hot beverage. Even in the summer.

But when I put in my order in the summer I always get the same question. “Would you like ice in your drink?”

Is it me? Or is someone not listening?

Father’s Day – 2019

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Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful dads out there!

That special mix of gentle yet stern is hard to accomplish. But you do it. Every day.

You, the good dad, the hard-working dad, the caring dad, show your children you care.

Every time you pick them up and brush them off after a fall.
Read a bedtime story.
Tell a corny joke.
Or mediate an argument.

Don’t let those little munchkins fool you, they know it’s because you care.

They even know you make them use their manners, pick up their toys, and go to bed at a reasonable time because you care.

Though they probably won’t admit that until they have kids of their own.

Enjoy your day!

Have you ever?

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Have you ever watched a new show because it sounded like a show you really love, only to find it’s a poorly constructed derivative of said show?

Have you ever had a remake butcher your childhood memories and rip them to shreds?

Have you ever been disappointed when a movie trailer shows ALL the good bits?

Yeah, me too.

I hate that!

But what I hate most of all is when a show or a movie tries so hard to appeal to everyone, that it appeals to no one.

Find your audience, people. Everyone isn’t going to like your show no matter how hard you try!

And let’s stick to original content already! Enough of the remakes!