Close cat call

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Guest Post by Pepper Curious: 

I was following a very interesting scent today when I almost got to have a private conversation with one of those pesky cats in my neighborhood.

I say almost because just as I got close enough to realize the scent I was following was that of a certain black cat that always does his best to irritate me–right when I looked up and saw that very cat sitting at the top of a set of steps–he took an olympic leap right over my head and shot off around the house to the backyard.

A fenced backyard, of course. This cat is sneaky and knows exactly which yards are out of my reach.

It is probably just as well, since I hadn’t had time to plan what I would say.

I’d probably tell him to stay out of my yard. I just hate going outside first thing in the morning to be met by the lingering odor of cat. Yuck!

I’ll catch up with him sometime. One of these days….

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