A head full of…nothing!

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I woke up at 7:30 this morning eager to start writing again. I have done what I wanted to do, I took several weeks off from writing, a long enough break to clear my head of my last book.

So far this morning I’ve replied to an email, updated another blog I run, read an article, and checked on my online toy store.

What I haven’t done is write.

Because…well…I may have done too good of a job of spring cleaning my brain. Not only is the last book cleared out, but so is everything else! My head is empty. Void of all creative thought. All cleaned out.

As a matter of fact, as I thought the last sentence above, I could hear an echo in that vast empty space that is my brain. All cleaned out…all cleaned out…cleaned out…cleaned out…out…out.


I think I need a jump start. Something or someone who will stimulate my imagination. Get those old creative juices flowing again.

I need my old friends, the Jupiterians. They may be irritating, but they sure do make me think!

Oh Jupiterians…Jupiterians…where have you gone?

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