Now, there wasn’t really anything wrong with Department of Temporal Adjustment’s old cover. Not really. It just fell a little short.
So T (yes, the same T of the phone fiasco) wanted to create a totally unique cover for DTA. A cover that better represented the nuances of the book. A cover that would draw the reader’s eye and spark interest.
I think she succeeded. I love it, and it is now available almost everywhere! (Although, if you really, really, really want an old cover, I am sure there are a few of them still out there floating around.)
I am very happy and pleased with this new cover. It is quirky and unique (which is what some people have said about the book). I adore the way the profile serves as hands of the clock. And the way she left numbers off the face of the clock to show that time was being worked on…well, it’s brilliant! T certainly shows a lot of talent, and all I can really say is that she did a fantastic job!