Writer, know thyself

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I love a good challenge. So much so, in fact, that I often set new challenges for myself. My favorite challenges are writing ones.

So, when I was contacted by a filmmaker to write a script for a movie he planned to make, I was over the moon.

Only…he wanted a psychological thriller, something I’d never before attempted.

Score! I thought. New genre, new challenge! This will be fun.

Unfortunately, the deal fell through. So there I was. I’d already spent a number of days researching, brainstorming, outlining, and writing. I not only had a story to write, I’d already written the first 15 pages.

I don’t know about everyone else, but I hate not finishing something I start. Makes me feel bleh.

I did the only thing I could do. I kept writing.

Right around page 47, I had to take a break from the script. My schedule had suddenly become too full to squeeze in writing. But I wasn’t worried. I’ve been doing this long enough I can easily resume a project after a few days away.

Only, I never restarted this particular project. And I never will.

You see, that break gave me a chance to notice that my spirits had plummeted to depths I hadn’t visited for years. I had become depressed, moody, irritable, and an all-around un-fun person.

It didn’t take me long to realize the source of the darkness that had crept into my life. The screenplay. Psychological thrillers are, after all, dark stories about villains messing around with the minds of their victims.

And that screenplay had full access to my brain for weeks! Sheesh!

No matter. I’ve already moved out of the darkness, and back to the light.

As for that screenplay, I might turn it into a comedy. Serve the villainous little screenplay right.

Stone Woman novel

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Stone Woman is nearly complete!

Here’s the proposed back of book blurb:

Archaeological research is not what Nicole has in mind for her honeymoon with Michael. But then again, she also doesn’t realize what the dark jungle of Belize has in store for the newlyweds.

Suddenly embroiled in murder, corruption, and ghostly apparitions, Nicole finds herself no longer on a honeymoon but on a rescue mission. Will Nicole gather the courage to face both real and supernatural mysteries?

Happy Mother’s Day!

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That’s right! It’s back!

That special day when, all over the country, children (of all ages) attempt to let their mothers know that they are important and loved.

So Marmsy, this is for you.

Without you, there would be no me. And I’m not just talking about the fact that you gave me 50% of my DNA and nurtured me even before I made an appearance into this world.

You’ve always been a fabulous role model. When the going got tough, you got tougher. But whether times were good or bad, you never, ever, let your children forget that you were there for us. We basked in the warm glow of love you sent our way.

You’re the BEST MOM EVER!

More important, you’re good people.

I love you!

Happy Mother’s Day!

Show me your papers

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I wish this were an April Fool’s joke. But it’s not. It’s petty tyranny in action.

You see, even though the county, state, and school mandates have been removed, the Mask Nazis are alive and well at elementary school musicals.

I felt the need to share my experience with a few people in charge, so I sent the following message to both the Seattle Schools Superintendent and the (redacted) Elementary principal.

Sorry for any typos. This is what happens when I have to watch my words while trying to rein in my anger.

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At this exact moment, I should be sitting in (redacted) Elementary cafeteria, watching my granddaughter sing and dance.

Instead, I’m at home, angry, disgusted, and frustrated. Because even though I had paid for a ticket, I was denied entry into (redacted) Elementary to watch the musical.

I cannot wear a mask. When I was told I needed to put one on to enter, I explained that I am unable to wear one.

That’s when I was asked to show my papers. As the woman at the door, or anyone for that matter, has the right to demand personal medical information from me.

We do not live in Nazi Germany, and this nonsense has to stop. Because of the mask mandates I’ve already been excluded from most of normal life for 2 years. It’s time for people to regain a little common sense, and for the world to return to normal.

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Messages to Governor Inslee

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I’ve sent hundreds of messages to Governor Jay Inslee, including this one, which I sent way back in July of 2020.

Governor Inslee,
It’s time for you to stop lying to the people.
We aren’t dummies. We can read the data.
There is no resurgence of deaths, only cases.
In the beginning, businesses and schools were closed to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed.
We succeeded. But that time is over.
Currently only 3.5% of hospital beds in Washington are being used for Covid-19 positive and Covid-19 suspected cases.
The percentage for King County is a mere 2%.
Your claim for a need to keep Washington shut down is based not on facts, but on arbitrary rules that you change on an almost daily basis. It’s ridiculous, and harms every citizen of this state.
Is it your goal to go down in history as The Ridiculous Governor? If it is, you’ve succeeded.
I expect a personally crafted response, not a form letter. It’s time you let the voters, of which I’m one, know that you’re actually listening.

Maybe not the most polite message I could have written, but I’ll admit, by the time I wrote this one I was extremely frustrated by the lack of response. But I kept writing. And writing.

I still haven’t received a response. Not a single one.

Sometimes I was polite, sometimes not so polite. But most of the time, I made sure to request a response.

Which I never got.

Says a lot about the man, doesn’t it?

2022 has begun!

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2020 is practically ancient history.

2021 is dead and gone.

This new year is fresh, new, and bursting with potential. A blank page, waiting for us to fill it with excitement, good times, and adventures of the best kind.
Let’s get to it!
It’s up to us to use the power of positive thinking to make 2022 a fabulous year.