True Story excerpt

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I wrote a new beginning for my newest script (code name True Story) this morning. I know I really should finish the script before I start messing with the beginning, but glimmers of this kept intruding into my thoughts, so I felt I’d better write it down.

Hope you like it!


The smoke of a train winds its way through a lonely countryside. Its distant WHISTLE BLOWS.

People think they know history. Facts, set in stone. Old. Boring. Solid. Dusty. Unchangeable.

Train takes an unexpected curve around a mountain.

But history doesn’t record everything. It can’t.

Train zips by a logging town from the late 1800s. No people, just buildings. Then on to more forest.

Take for example the day Tennessee ratified the 19th Amendment and American women, after 75 long years of struggle, got the right to vote.

Train goes over a bridge.

Boring you, am I? Think you already know this story?

Train goes into a tunnel.

Well, you’ve never heard this story. The real story. It’s not written down in any history book, anywhere.

Train shoots out of tunnel into bright light, WHISTLE BLOWING.

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