Smells, smells, and more smells

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Guest Post by Pepper Curious:  

Wow! What a day!

I leashed up my person and took her for a walk this morning. I heard from the weather report that it is supposed to get hot today, so I thought I’d walk her early, before the heat got really bad. She doesn’t handle the heat very well.

Anyway, something happened on my walk today. For some reason the beauty of the day got to me, and I forgot all my troubles–lost bones, caring for my family, cats–none of it mattered anymore. All I could think about was the sun, the wind, and wonderful smells.

I think it was the smells that got to me. For the first time in ages I just enjoyed myself. Everywhere I went there were glorious, wonderful, fantastic smells. The smells were so wonderful I couldn’t help but take them with me!

Eight, count them eight, spots to roll in I found today. It has got to be a world record!

Glorious, wonderful smells. Life is good!

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