A plan

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We now have a plan of action. We’re selling our house and moving.

I can hear your cries of, “What! You’re gonna let ‘those neighbors’ run you out of your home!”

I understand why you might think that. But although we’re leaving we’re not running. The actions of “those neighbors” forced us to take a step back and look at what we really want.

What we really want is a house with a much bigger yard. Something that is impossible in our current location.

Sure, we probably would have stuck around in this house for a few more years if the demented leprechaun hadn’t moved in. It’s a comfortable house, filled with a lot of good memories. And for years we’ve put off moving for a while, and then a little longer.

But now we have a wonderful reason to take action and put our house on the market. Because really, why would we want to stay in the same neighborhood as a demented leprechaun and a secretive, creepy, chicken-hearted bully?

Unfortunately, that means we’re going to be very, very busy finishing up all those projects we’ve begun over the years. Until I looked around the house with new eyes I’d forgotten how many projects we’d left at the 90% completion mark.

I guess we can’t be lazy now!


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