A mystery

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I have about 15 storylines just waiting to be written. Fifteen plot ideas, 12 are sitting in a file on my computer, 3 are in a notebook on my bookshelf, all are waiting until I have the time to write them into a full fledged story.
And since I just finished Gray Zone, it is almost time to choose the lucky winner. To pick out one of those plots and bring it to life.

Only, not one of them is the story I want to write next.

You see, I have this desire to write in several different genres. I have written a children’s fantasy trilogy, a science fiction, and a young adult contemporary fiction. What I want to write next, what I really, really want to try my hand at, is a mystery.

Only none of the plots I’ve worked out are mysteries. They are all either sci fi or fantasy.

Taking on the task of writing a mystery intimidates me somewhat. But then again, before I put aside my fears and did it, writing Braumaru scared me to death.

It will be a challenge, but I like challenges.

Which does not in the least solve my current problem.

The mystery of the mystery. What should it be, what should it be?

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